
Baxter James

Commercial Relationship Manager & Vice President at American Pride Bank

Baxter James Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(478) ***-****

Baxter James Current Workplace


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Baxter James Work Experience Summary

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About Baxter James

Baxter James is a Commercial Relationship Manager & Vice President at American Pride Bank based in Macon, Georgia. Baxter received a bachelor's degree degree from Georgia Southern University.Explore more

Baxter James Current Workplace

American Pride Bank

2016-present (9 years)

American Pride Bank opened for business on December 12, 2007. The organizing group was made up of twenty- two individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit. Their goal was to open a community based financial institution. One that provided the opportunity for the business community to bank with an institution that understood the challenges and opportunities that they face every day. The organizers wanted to make sure the financial needs of the consumer was respected as well. Our group consisted of physicians, hoteliers, real estate investors, small business owners, retired bankers, and government officials. The broad base of support in the community enabled us to raise a very significant amount of capital for a bank based in a community of our size. The amount of capital we have achieved has allowed us to become a very strong bank and that allows us to undertake opportunities for loans and other banking products and services that less capitalized banks may not be able to undertake. We haveSee more

Baxter James Work Experience & Education

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bachelor's degree

Georgia Southern University
Stratford Academy

Org Chart - American Pride Bank


Commercial Relationship Manager & V...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Baxter James

What company does Baxter James work for?
Baxter James works for American Pride Bank as Commercial Relationship Manager & Vice President
What is Baxter James’s role in American Pride Bank?
Baxter James’s role in American Pride Bank is Commercial Relationship Manager & Vice President
What is Baxter James’s email address?
Baxter James’s email address is b***@americanpride.bank
What is Baxter James’s business email address?
Baxter James’s business email address is b***@americanpride.bank
What is Baxter James’s direct phone number?
Baxter James’s direct phone number is (478) ***-****
What is Baxter James’s work phone number?
Baxter James’s headquarters phone number is (478) 784-1448
What is Baxter James’s latest education?
Baxter James’s latest education in bachelor's degree at Georgia Southern University
Which industry does Baxter James work in?
Baxter James works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Baxter James’s peers at other companies?
Baxter James’s peers at other companies are Thomas Hamlin, Vienna Wen, Mark Fort, Dawn Johnson, Megan King.
Who are Baxter James’s colleagues?
Some of Baxter James’s colleagues are Celia Neely, Mary Levie, Vik Patel, Rolando Dixon.
How can I contact Baxter James?
Baxter James contact details: Email address: b***@americanpride.bank Phone number: (478) ***-****
Who is Baxter James?

Baxter James is a Commercial Relationship Manager & Vice President at American Pride Bank based in Macon, Georgia. Baxter received a bachelor's degree degree from Georgia Southern University.... Read More

Where is Baxter James based?
Baxter James works for American Pride Bank, located at United States
See more information about Baxter James

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