Barr Halevi

President & Chief Technology Officer at Pajarito Powder

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Barr Halevi Work Experience Summary

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About Barr Halevi

Barr Halevi is the President & Chief Technology Officer at Pajarito Powder based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Previously, Barr was the Research Assistant Professor at The University of New Mexico.Explore more

Barr Halevi Current Workplace

Pajarito Powder

2014-present (11 years)

Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Pajarito Powder, LLC is a world leader in the development and commercialization of advanced electrocatalysts for fuel cells and electrolyzers. Pajarito Powder manufactures a range of catalyst products using its own intellectual property as well as intellectual property licensed from the University of New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique. Pajarito Powder manufacturers catalysts for use with proton-exchange membranes (PEM) and alkaline fuel cells and electrolyzers; it also manufactures a proprietary Precious-Metal-Free catalyst for fuel cells. Pajarito Powder materials more effectively use the platinum group metals (PGM) component of catalysts, resulting in higher performance, better stability and improved durability. Pajarito Powder is a venture-backed startup funded by Hyundai Motor Company, Verge Fund, Omphalos Venture Partners and other private investors.

Barr Halevi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Research Assistant Professor

The University of New Mexico





Org Chart - Pajarito Powder

President & Chief Technology Office...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Barr Halevi

What company does Barr Halevi work for?
Barr Halevi works for Pajarito Powder as President & Chief Technology Officer
What is Barr Halevi’s role in Pajarito Powder?
Barr Halevi’s role in Pajarito Powder is President & Chief Technology Officer
What is Barr Halevi’s direct phone number?
Barr Halevi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Barr Halevi’s work phone number?
Barr Halevi’s headquarters phone number is (505) 293-5367
What is Barr Halevi’s latest job experience?
Barr Halevi’s latest job experience is Research Assistant Professor at The University of New Mexico
Which industry does Barr Halevi work in?
Barr Halevi works in the industry of Electronics, Manufacturing.
Who are Barr Halevi’s peers at other companies?
Barr Halevi’s peers at other companies are Chris Allo, Robert Cameron, Joseph Monkowski, Joseph Bond, Matthew Nelson.
Who are Barr Halevi’s colleagues?
Some of Barr Halevi’s colleagues are Geoffrey McCool, Stephanie White, Saburo Hori, Kyle Ellis.
Who is Barr Halevi?

Barr Halevi is the President & Chief Technology Officer at Pajarito Powder based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Previously, Barr was the Research Assistant Professor at The University of New Mexico.... Read More

Where is Barr Halevi based?
Barr Halevi works for Pajarito Powder, located at United States
Who is Pajarito Powder’s President & Chief Technology Officer?
Pajarito Powder's President & Chief Technology Officer is Barr Halevi
See more information about Barr Halevi

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