Bakerlang Nonglait

Frontend Developer at Sonicbolt Technologies

Bakerlang Nonglait Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Bakerlang Nonglait Current Workplace


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Bakerlang Nonglait Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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About Bakerlang Nonglait

Bakerlang Nonglait is a Frontend Developer at Sonicbolt Technologies, responsible for designing and developing user-friendly web interfaces. Prior to their current role, they worked as a Graphic Designer with the same company, leveraging their creative skills to enhance the visual appeal of Sonicbolt's digital products. Bakerlang holds a Bachelor of Computer Applications degree from Martin Luther Christian University in Shillong, where they honed their technical expertise and passion for technology.Explore more

Bakerlang Nonglait Current Workplace

Sonicbolt Technologies

2022-present (3 years)

Sonicbolt CNC is dedicated to empowering CNC machinists to cut intelligently and make more money. Our goal is to provide machinist-friendly CAD/CAM and DNC software for production machining. We are partners with Cadem Technologies, an industry leader for production machining software. Almost every CAD/CAM software is designed for milling in the mold making and aerospace industries. The fact is that while 90% of the metal cutting is in production milling and turning, only 10% of the CAD/CAM is designed for this. Most of the CAD/CAM was built for complex surface machining in the tooling and aerospace industries, which accounts for less than 10% of the industry. There is also the serious misconception that mold milling is "high end" while production milling and turning is "low end". We see a large potential for a machinist-friendly CAM software for production milling and turning. CAPSmill and CAPSturn were born as a result of this. Just generating NC programs was not enough. The programsSee more

Bakerlang Nonglait Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Graphic Designer

Sonicbolt Technologies


Designer and Developer



Designer and Developer



Org Chart - Sonicbolt Technologies


Frontend Developer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bakerlang Nonglait

What company does Bakerlang Nonglait work for?
Bakerlang Nonglait works for Sonicbolt Technologies as Frontend Developer
What is Bakerlang Nonglait’s role in Sonicbolt Technologies?
Bakerlang Nonglait’s role in Sonicbolt Technologies is Frontend Developer
What is Bakerlang Nonglait’s direct phone number?
Bakerlang Nonglait’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bakerlang Nonglait’s latest job experience?
Bakerlang Nonglait’s latest job experience is Graphic Designer at Sonicbolt Technologies
Which industry does Bakerlang Nonglait work in?
Bakerlang Nonglait works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Bakerlang Nonglait’s peers at other companies?
Bakerlang Nonglait’s peers at other companies are Vusumuzi Khutswa, Ibrahim Sobhy, Krishna Lath, Andy Alcantara, James Swarge.
Who are Bakerlang Nonglait’s colleagues?
Some of Bakerlang Nonglait’s colleagues are Shaik Dadakhalandar, Sibi Narayanan, Manoj Varma, Ramesh Dhaneja.
Who is Bakerlang Nonglait?

Bakerlang Nonglait is a Frontend Developer at Sonicbolt Technologies, responsible for designing and developing user-friendly web interfaces. Prior to their current role, they worked as a Graphic Designer with the same company, leveraging their creative skills to enhance the visual appeal of Sonicbolt's digital products. Bakerlang holds a Bachelor o... f Computer Applications degree from Martin Luther Christian University in Shillong, where they honed their technical expertise and passion for technology.Read More

Where is Bakerlang Nonglait based?
Bakerlang Nonglait works for Sonicbolt Technologies, located at United States
See more information about Bakerlang Nonglait

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