
Babak Larian

Medical Director at Cedars-Sinai

Babak Larian Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Babak Larian Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Babak Larian Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Babak Larian

Babak Larian is a Medical Director at Cedars-Sinai based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Babak was a Chief of Head and Neck Surgery at Cedars-Sinai and also held positions at CENTER for Advanced Parathyroid Surgery, Babak Larian, Md, La Peer Health Systems. Babak received a bachelor's degree degree from University of California , Irvine and a MD from Malibu High School.

Babak Larian Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Founded 1902 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is a non-profit academic medical centers in the U.S., Cedars-Sinai has clinical programs ranging from primary care to specialized treatments for rare, complex and advanced illnesses. In addition, Cedars-Sinai serves the community through its Medical Network and through wide-ranging programs that improve the health of the most vulnerable residents of Los Angeles.

Babak Larian Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief of Head and Neck Surgery



Managing Partner

La Peer Health Systems



Babak Larian, Md




bachelor's degree

University of California , Irvine


Malibu High School

medical degree

UC Irvine School of Medicine

medical degree

University of California

Org Chart - Cedars-Sinai

Babak Larian

Medical Director

Recent News About Babak Larian

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Babak Larian

What company does Babak Larian work for?
Babak Larian works for Cedars-Sinai as Medical Director
What is Babak Larian’s role in Cedars-Sinai?
Babak Larian’s role in Cedars-Sinai is Medical Director
What is Babak Larian’s email address?
Babak Larian’s email address is b***@cshs.org
What is Babak Larian’s business email address?
Babak Larian’s business email address is b***@cshs.org
What is Babak Larian’s direct phone number?
Babak Larian’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Babak Larian’s work phone number?
Babak Larian’s headquarters phone number is (310) 423-3277
What is Babak Larian’s latest job experience?
Babak Larian’s latest job experience is Chief of Head and Neck Surgery at Cedars-Sinai
What is Babak Larian’s latest education?
Babak Larian’s latest education in bachelor's degree at University of California , Irvine
Which industry does Babak Larian work in?
Babak Larian works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Babak Larian’s peers at other companies?
Babak Larian’s peers at other companies are Zeke Hernandez, Othella Ann, Forrest Harrison, Samer Garas, Thomas Ball.
Who are Babak Larian’s colleagues?
Some of Babak Larian’s colleagues are Susan Miller, Reza Setoodeh, Shakeh Khukoyan, Katherine Hurst.
How can I contact Babak Larian?
Babak Larian contact details: Email address: b***@cshs.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Babak Larian?

Babak Larian is a Medical Director at Cedars-Sinai based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Babak was a Chief of Head and Neck Surgery at Cedars-Sinai and also held positions at CENTER for Advanced Parathyroid Surgery, Babak Larian, Md, La Peer Health Systems. Babak received a bachelor's degree degree from University of California , Irvine a... nd a MD from Malibu High School.

Where is Babak Larian based?
Babak Larian works for Cedars-Sinai, located at United States