
Azra Banu

Assistant Professor at Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration

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About Azra Banu

Azra Banu is an Assistant Professor at Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration based in Hyderabad, Telangana.Explore more

Azra Banu Current Workplace

The Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration (formerly Sultan -ul Uloom College of Business Administration ) was established in the year 1991-1992 under the affiliation of Osmania University with the approval of AICTE, New Delhi and Govt. of AP. The College has earned statewide excellence and in meeting the needs of industry for professionally trained graduates. The Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society began as an educational initiative with an underlying mission to equip students of diverse disciplines with the skills and competencies needed to face the challenges of a fast-changing world. Over the last two decades, the society has grown and branched into a giant tree of learning under which nine institutions straddling diverse areas of learning has emerged as premier centers of quality education. SUES symbolises the tree of knowledge and creative learning. Thousands of students have enjoyed its comfortable shade. Even more of climbed to a great future through its many branches.See more

Org Chart - Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration


Assistant Professor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Azra Banu

What company does Azra Banu work for?
Azra Banu works for Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration as Assistant Professor
What is Azra Banu’s role in Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration?
Azra Banu’s role in Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration is Assistant Professor
What is Azra Banu’s email address?
Azra Banu’s email address is a***@amjadalikhancollege.edu.in
What is Azra Banu’s business email address?
Azra Banu’s business email address is a***@amjadalikhancollege.edu.in
What is Azra Banu’s direct phone number?
Azra Banu’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Azra Banu’s work phone number?
Azra Banu’s headquarters phone number is +91 4023280242
Which industry does Azra Banu work in?
Azra Banu works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Azra Banu’s peers at other companies?
Azra Banu’s peers at other companies are Parisa Kalantari, Mariana Veiga Chetto Coutinho, Esteban Gershanik, Guillaume Durandau, Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh.
Who are Azra Banu’s colleagues?
Some of Azra Banu’s colleagues are Nazia Mouzam, G. Khan, Danish Raza, Syed Fareeduddin.
How can I contact Azra Banu?
Azra Banu contact details: Email address: a***@amjadalikhancollege.edu.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Azra Banu?

Azra Banu is an Assistant Professor at Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration based in Hyderabad, Telangana.... Read More

Where is Azra Banu based?
Azra Banu works for Amjad Ali Khan College of Business Administration, located at India
See more information about Azra Banu

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