Ayoub Ydroudj

Procurement Specialist at Huawei

Ayoub Ydroudj Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ayoub Ydroudj Current Workplace



Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ayoub Ydroudj Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ayoub Ydroudj

Ayoub Ydroudj is a Procurement Specialist at Huawei. Previously, Ayoub was a Procurement Specialist at Génie Eau and also held positions at Nosoclean, Cevital, Paladin Security Group, Direct Traffic, Acadia University.Explore more

Ayoub Ydroudj Current Workplace


2025-present (1 month)

Huawei is a leading global information and communication technology (ICT) telecom solutions provider. Huawei's vision is "to enrich life through communication". With the objective of translating the vision into reality, Huawei has partnered with the 45 out of top 50 telecom service providers of the world to bring people closer to each other. Today, Huawei has presence in over 140 countries around the globe. Huawei has contributed to shrink the geography and help people and civilizations around the world know and appreciate each other better. Huawei's engagement with India goes back to 1999 when Huawei's first R&D center was established in Bangalore and various business, service and training centers across the country with a total direct employment of 6000. Huawei has been an integral part of the Indian telecom industry and a partner of almost every telecom service provider. Huawei is fully committed to continuous investments in India with the objective of developing Huawei India into aSee more

Ayoub Ydroudj Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Procurement Specialist

Génie Eau


Logistique Service Approvisionnement Assistant



Cash Register Operator



Visual Merchandiser



Org Chart - Huawei


Procurement Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ayoub Ydroudj

What company does Ayoub Ydroudj work for?
Ayoub Ydroudj works for Huawei as Procurement Specialist
What is Ayoub Ydroudj’s role in Huawei?
Ayoub Ydroudj’s role in Huawei is Procurement Specialist
What is Ayoub Ydroudj’s direct phone number?
Ayoub Ydroudj’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ayoub Ydroudj’s work phone number?
Ayoub Ydroudj’s headquarters phone number is +420 296377400
What is Ayoub Ydroudj’s latest job experience?
Ayoub Ydroudj’s latest job experience is Procurement Specialist at Génie Eau
Which industry does Ayoub Ydroudj work in?
Ayoub Ydroudj works in the industry of Telephony & Wireless, Telecommunications.
Who are Ayoub Ydroudj’s peers at other companies?
Ayoub Ydroudj’s peers at other companies are Haley Evans, Justin Scott, Lee Albers, Brady Strader, Netfa Phiri.
Who are Ayoub Ydroudj’s colleagues?
Some of Ayoub Ydroudj’s colleagues are Sarah Chelbeb.
Who is Ayoub Ydroudj?

Ayoub Ydroudj is a Procurement Specialist at Huawei. Previously, Ayoub was a Procurement Specialist at Génie Eau and also held positions at Nosoclean, Cevital, Paladin Security Group, Direct Traffic, Acadia University.... Read More

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