Aykut Ayyildiz

Production Planning Engineer at Otom Concept

Aykut Ayyildiz Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Aykut Ayyildiz Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Aykut Ayyildiz Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Aykut Ayyildiz

Aykut Ayyildiz is a Production Planning Engineer at Otom Concept based in Adapazari, Sakarya. Previously, Aykut was a Purchasing Intern at Turkish Technic.Explore more

Aykut Ayyildiz Current Workplace

Otom Concept

2022-present (3 years)

*Our stands specially prepared for our products have been sent to our dealers. *b2b dealership system, www.otombayi.com, which has been developed for the first time in the sector has been put into the service of our valuable business partners. *Tablet computers won by our dealers from otombayi.com have been delivered to our dealers. *We have started the production of specially sewn seat covers as something new in Turkey which fit completely to the original seat designs of the vehicles. * We have been the first and only automobile seat cover producer which conducts air bag test in Turkey. *It has been approved by quality assurance companies and universities that our products are compatible to airbags. *We have taken out the patent of "Otom Airbag Sytem". *We have received ISO 9001:2008 Management System Certificate as the first company having this certificate in the sector. *We have designed each page of our 2014 Catalogue meticulously and offered you. Hope to meet you again...

Aykut Ayyildiz Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

ERP Geliştirme Uzmanı

Aydın Endüstri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.


Maliyet Analiz Uzman Yardımcısı

Aydın Endüstri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.


Purchasing Intern

Turkish Technic


Production Intern

Turkish Technic


Org Chart - Otom Concept


Production Planning Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aykut Ayyildiz

What company does Aykut Ayyildiz work for?
Aykut Ayyildiz works for Otom Concept as Production Planning Engineer
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s role in Otom Concept?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s role in Otom Concept is Production Planning Engineer
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s email address?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s email address is a***@otomconcept.com
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s business email address?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s business email address is a***@otomconcept.com
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s direct phone number?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s work phone number?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s headquarters phone number is +90 2642819901
What is Aykut Ayyildiz’s latest job experience?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s latest job experience is ERP Geliştirme Uzmanı at Aydın Endüstri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Which industry does Aykut Ayyildiz work in?
Aykut Ayyildiz works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail.
Who are Aykut Ayyildiz’s peers at other companies?
Aykut Ayyildiz’s peers at other companies are Ahmed Menam, Unnada Machuay, Leonardo Ríos, Kartik Yadav, John Atef.
Who are Aykut Ayyildiz’s colleagues?
Some of Aykut Ayyildiz’s colleagues are Tugay Yıldırım, Faruk Koc, Dilruba Menteş, Saniye Gölcük.
How can I contact Aykut Ayyildiz?
Aykut Ayyildiz contact details: Email address: a***@otomconcept.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Aykut Ayyildiz?

Aykut Ayyildiz is a Production Planning Engineer at Otom Concept based in Adapazari, Sakarya. Previously, Aykut was a Purchasing Intern at Turkish Technic.... Read More

Where is Aykut Ayyildiz based?
Aykut Ayyildiz works for Otom Concept, located at Turkey
See more information about Aykut Ayyildiz

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