Awais Khan

Training Medical Officer at Khyber Teaching Hospital

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About Awais Khan

Awais Khan is a Training Medical Officer at Khyber Teaching Hospital based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Explore more

Awais Khan Current Workplace

Khyber Teaching Hospital

2022-present (3 years)

About KTH Introduction and Background... Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) Peshawar has been providing tertiary health and teaching facilities to local population in KP ever since 1976. Established over a covered area of 962,000 square feet on busy Jamrud Road, this 1202 bed hospital caters for the health requirements of over 500,000 patients an year. However with massive increase in urban population during Afghan war (1978-98), its ability to serve the local population has been seriously impaired. The local population has also grown manifolds admission and treatment facilities domestically. Coupled with presence of 0.6 million Afghan refugees and their rush on this hospital, the institution seems over burdened given its present physical size, administrative human resource and financial position. Khyber Medical College, the first Medical College of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa came into existence on 2.5.1954. Fulfillment of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council requirements necessitated the creatSee more

Org Chart - Khyber Teaching Hospital


Training Medical Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Awais Khan

What company does Awais Khan work for?
Awais Khan works for Khyber Teaching Hospital as Training Medical Officer
What is Awais Khan’s role in Khyber Teaching Hospital?
Awais Khan’s role in Khyber Teaching Hospital is Training Medical Officer
What is Awais Khan’s email address?
Awais Khan’s email address is a***
What is Awais Khan’s business email address?
Awais Khan’s business email address is a***
What is Awais Khan’s direct phone number?
Awais Khan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Awais Khan’s work phone number?
Awais Khan’s headquarters phone number is +92 919224400
Which industry does Awais Khan work in?
Awais Khan works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Awais Khan’s peers at other companies?
Awais Khan’s peers at other companies are Jc De Jager, Hugo Horn, Richard Whitmore, Zoe Francis, Claudia Nixon.
Who are Awais Khan’s colleagues?
Some of Awais Khan’s colleagues are Layth Salim, Renad Adly, Ajeesh Gopinathan, Bhuvaneshwar Machani.
How can I contact Awais Khan?
Awais Khan contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Awais Khan?

Awais Khan is a Training Medical Officer at Khyber Teaching Hospital based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.... Read More

Where is Awais Khan based?
Awais Khan works for Khyber Teaching Hospital, located at Pakistan
See more information about Awais Khan

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