Avi Porat

President at DSA Enterprises of

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(***) ***-****

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About Avi Porat

Avi Porat is the President at DSA Enterprises of based in Jennerstown, Pennsylvania.Explore more

Avi Porat Current Workplace

DSA Enterprises of

2014-present (11 years)

D.S.A. Enterprises of PA, Inc. is located in South Central Pennsylvania. This company was formed to deliver both products and services that can be used to help blind and low-vision computer users to more easily operate their PC's. Starting in 1995, our company has had nearly two decades of experience in providing our customers with such products and services that will make them more competitive in the workplace, and more comfortable in using their own computers. Over the years, we at D.S.A. Enterprises have supplied made-to-order JAWS scripts, customized and designed various web sites, and have provided computer training for private individuals, businesses and numerous government agencies. Some of our script writing clients have included, Standard Register in Dayton, OH, Ameritech Telephone Company in Cleveland, OH, Mount Carmel East Hospital in Columbus, OH, The State of South Carolina, the State of Oklahoma, the social security Administration in Baltimore, MD, Time Warner Cable in CoSee more

Org Chart - DSA Enterprises of






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Avi Porat

What company does Avi Porat work for?
Avi Porat works for DSA Enterprises of as President
What is Avi Porat’s role in DSA Enterprises of?
Avi Porat’s role in DSA Enterprises of is President
What is Avi Porat’s direct phone number?
Avi Porat’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Avi Porat’s work phone number?
Avi Porat’s headquarters phone number is (814) 629-7262
Which industry does Avi Porat work in?
Avi Porat works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Avi Porat’s peers at other companies?
Avi Porat’s peers at other companies are Denis Nolan, Georgia Leonard, Joanne Robinson, Pramath Sinha, Brian McCarthy.
Who is Avi Porat?

Avi Porat is the President at DSA Enterprises of based in Jennerstown, Pennsylvania.... Read More

Where is Avi Porat based?
Avi Porat works for DSA Enterprises of, located at United States
Who is DSA Enterprises of’s President?
DSA Enterprises of's President is Avi Porat
See more information about Avi Porat

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