Austin Vanderkallen

Research Associate at AdvanBio

Austin Vanderkallen Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Austin Vanderkallen Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Austin Vanderkallen Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Austin Vanderkallen

Austin Vanderkallen is a Research Associate at AdvanBio based in Irvine, California. Previously, Austin was a Laboratory Technician at Pathnostics and also held positions at Fitness 19, Sodexo, UPS, Bruxie, Sinclair Oil, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies.

Austin Vanderkallen Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

AdvanBio is a research-based biotechnological company located in Orange County, California, focused on advancing medical laboratory technology to enhance human health. The company develops solutions aimed at improving patient diagnosis through targeted biomarkers for precision medicine. They offer services such as bioanalysis, assay development and validation, as well as regulatory consultation to assist clients in navigating the global regulatory landscape. AdvanBio is dedicated to facilitating breakthroughs in molecular diagnostics using innovative technologies and a deep understanding of biological materials.

Austin Vanderkallen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Laboratory Technician




Eurofins TestAmerica


Lead Service Specialist

Fitness 19





Org Chart - AdvanBio

Austin Vanderkallen

Research Associate

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Austin Vanderkallen

What company does Austin Vanderkallen work for?
Austin Vanderkallen works for AdvanBio as Research Associate
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s role in AdvanBio?
Austin Vanderkallen’s role in AdvanBio is Research Associate
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s email address?
Austin Vanderkallen’s email address is a***@advan-bio.com
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s business email address?
Austin Vanderkallen’s business email address is a***@advan-bio.com
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s direct phone number?
Austin Vanderkallen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s work phone number?
Austin Vanderkallen’s headquarters phone number is (855) 645-5797
What is Austin Vanderkallen’s latest job experience?
Austin Vanderkallen’s latest job experience is Laboratory Technician at Pathnostics
Which industry does Austin Vanderkallen work in?
Austin Vanderkallen works in the industry of Photography Studio, Consumer Services.
Who are Austin Vanderkallen’s peers at other companies?
Austin Vanderkallen’s peers at other companies are Robert Braun, Gajapriya Gajapathi, Pratiksha Banstola, Elli Parisi, Monica Turner.
Who are Austin Vanderkallen’s colleagues?
Some of Austin Vanderkallen’s colleagues are Dongqing Zheng, Iris Xi, Henry Huang.
How can I contact Austin Vanderkallen?
Austin Vanderkallen contact details: Email address: a***@advan-bio.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Austin Vanderkallen?

Austin Vanderkallen is a Research Associate at AdvanBio based in Irvine, California. Previously, Austin was a Laboratory Technician at Pathnostics and also held positions at Fitness 19, Sodexo, UPS, Bruxie, Sinclair Oil, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies....

Where is Austin Vanderkallen based?
Austin Vanderkallen works for AdvanBio, located at United States