Aurang Zeb

Communications Officer at FUCHS SE

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About Aurang Zeb

Aurang Zeb is a Communications Officer at FUCHS Lubricants UK based in Stoke On Trent, Stoke-on-trent.Explore more

Aurang Zeb Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

Fuchs Petrolub SE engages in the development, production, distribution, and sale of lubricants and related specialties worldwide. Its automotive lubricants product group includes engine oils, gear oils, shock absorber oils, motorcycle lubricants, lubricants for agricultural machinery, and service fluids; industrial lubricants and specialties product group primarily comprises metal-working fluids, corrosion preventatives, hydraulic and gear oils, greases, and other specialties; and other products group consists of toll blending, chemical process management, and trade activities. The company also offers compressor oils, slide way oils, turbine and machine oils, cylinder and transformer oils, tacky oils, heat transfer oils, general lubricating oils, refrigerator oils, and textile oils; and cutting and grinding lubricants, forming lubricants, cleaners, quenching fluids, and minimal quantity lubrication products. In addition, it provides open gear, hot metal forming, food grade, glass, drySee more

Org Chart - FUCHS SE


Communications Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aurang Zeb

What company does Aurang Zeb work for?
Aurang Zeb works for FUCHS SE as Communications Officer
What is Aurang Zeb’s role in FUCHS SE?
Aurang Zeb’s role in FUCHS SE is Communications Officer
What is Aurang Zeb’s direct phone number?
Aurang Zeb’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aurang Zeb’s work phone number?
Aurang Zeb’s headquarters phone number is +49 62138020
Which industry does Aurang Zeb work in?
Aurang Zeb works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are Aurang Zeb’s peers at other companies?
Aurang Zeb’s peers at other companies are Guangke Dai, Benny Mulaudzi, Feleknaz Rexhepi, Lizette Stokes, Janelle Ong.
Who are Aurang Zeb’s colleagues?
Some of Aurang Zeb’s colleagues are David Morlock, Rachel Hairston, Xolani Gwe, Syed Hashmi.
Who is Aurang Zeb?

Aurang Zeb is a Communications Officer at FUCHS Lubricants UK based in Stoke On Trent, Stoke-on-trent.... Read More

Where is Aurang Zeb based?
Aurang Zeb works for FUCHS SE, located at Germany
See more information about Aurang Zeb

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