Aung Frue Marma

Research Assistant at China University of Geosciences

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About Aung Frue Marma

Aung Frue Marma is a Research Assistant at China University of Geosciences based in Wuhan, Hubei.Explore more

Aung Frue Marma Current Workplace

China University of Geosciences

2018-present (6 years)

It is also listed in the National "211 Project", the "985 Innovation Platform for Advantageous Disciplines" and the "Double First-class Plan". CUG, featuring geosciences, is a comprehensive university that also offers a variety of degree programs in science, engineering, literature, management, economics, law, education and arts. Its Geology and Geological Resources & Engineering have both been ranked as national number one disciplines. Its Earth Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies & Ecology, Materials Science, Chemistry, and Computer Science have entered the top 1% of global ESI (Essential Science Indicators), with Earth Science in the top 1‰ of the list. CUG has two campuses in Wuhan. The main campus is the Nanwang Mountain Campus, located in the heart of the Wuhan East Lake National Innovation Demonstration Zone, which is popularly known as China Optics Valley. The Future City Campus is located in the east of Wuhan and is 27 km from the main campus. These two picturesque camSee more

Org Chart - China University of Geosciences


Research Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aung Frue Marma

What company does Aung Frue Marma work for?
Aung Frue Marma works for China University of Geosciences as Research Assistant
What is Aung Frue Marma’s role in China University of Geosciences?
Aung Frue Marma’s role in China University of Geosciences is Research Assistant
What is Aung Frue Marma’s direct phone number?
Aung Frue Marma’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aung Frue Marma’s work phone number?
Aung Frue Marma’s headquarters phone number is +86 2767884667
Which industry does Aung Frue Marma work in?
Aung Frue Marma works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Aung Frue Marma’s peers at other companies?
Aung Frue Marma’s peers at other companies are Elaina Saltclah, Pinto Sinha, Guo Chenmeinian, Vraja Gandhi, Saurabh Kumar.
Who are Aung Frue Marma’s colleagues?
Some of Aung Frue Marma’s colleagues are Christopher Mkono, Shukui Zhu, Kun Sun, Wei Jian.
Who is Aung Frue Marma?

Aung Frue Marma is a Research Assistant at China University of Geosciences based in Wuhan, Hubei.... Read More

Where is Aung Frue Marma based?
Aung Frue Marma works for China University of Geosciences, located at China
See more information about Aung Frue Marma

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