
Audrey Quek

Founder & Director, Training at Audrey Quek

Audrey Quek Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Audrey Quek Current Workplace


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Audrey Quek Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Audrey Quek

Audrey Quek is a Founder & Director, Training at Audrey Quek based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Audrey was a Mall Manager at Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre and also held positions at Perennial Real Estate Holdings.Explore more

Audrey Quek Current Workplace

Audrey Quek

2004-present (20 years)

Audrey specializes in corporate and personal image consultancy and training. Her blue-chip clients include UOB, Singtel, CIAS, MediaCorp, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, Hewlett-Packard Singapore, Adidas, Prudential, Singapore General Hospital, Kedang Kerbau Hospital, Marina Madarin and Fullerton Hotel. She also works with educational institutions, such as National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Republic Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic. Her courses combine up-to-date and time-tested theories with practical application. Audrey brings fresh perspectives to the field of grooming and personal branding through a holistic embodiment of key tenets of an enhanced image: grooming, communication and personal branding. In response to a growing need by graduating students and working adults, her book, "ABC to your Dream Job! debuted in June 2009; aims to equip jobseekers with relevant skills to ace the job interview through areSee more

Audrey Quek Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Leasing & Centre Assistant & Manager

Perennial Real Estate Holdings



Image Management Institute


Org Chart - Audrey Quek

Founder & Director, Training





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Audrey Quek

What company does Audrey Quek work for?
Audrey Quek works for Audrey Quek as Founder & Director, Training
What is Audrey Quek’s role in Audrey Quek?
Audrey Quek’s role in Audrey Quek is Founder & Director, Training
What is Audrey Quek’s email address?
Audrey Quek’s email address is a***@audreyquek.com
What is Audrey Quek’s business email address?
Audrey Quek’s business email address is a***@audreyquek.com
What is Audrey Quek’s direct phone number?
Audrey Quek’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Audrey Quek’s work phone number?
Audrey Quek’s headquarters phone number is +65 90283818
What is Audrey Quek’s latest job experience?
Audrey Quek’s latest job experience is Mall Manager at Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre
Which industry does Audrey Quek work in?
Audrey Quek works in the industry of Education General, Education.
How can I contact Audrey Quek?
Audrey Quek contact details: Email address: a***@audreyquek.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Audrey Quek?

Audrey Quek is a Founder & Director, Training at Audrey Quek based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Audrey was a Mall Manager at Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre and also held positions at Perennial Real Estate Holdings.... Read More

Where is Audrey Quek based?
Audrey Quek works for Audrey Quek, located at Singapore
Who is Audrey Quek’s Founder & Director, Training?
Audrey Quek's Founder & Director, Training is Audrey Quek
See more information about Audrey Quek

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