
Atheina Mansour

Americas Human Resources at AECOM

Atheina Mansour Email & Phone number


(949) ***-****

Atheina Mansour Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Atheina Mansour Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Atheina Mansour

Atheina Mansour is an Americas Human Resources at AECOM based in Dallas, Texas. Previously, Atheina was a Human Resources Consultant at Dignity Health and also held positions at Michigan State University. Atheina received a Doctor of Law degree from Michigan State University College Of Law and a Master of Arts from Michigan State University.

Atheina Mansour Current Workplace


2015-present (10 years)

AECOM is the worlds trusted infrastructure consulting firm, delivering professional services throughout the project lifecycle from advisory, planning, design and engineering to program and construction management. On projects spanning transportation, buildings, water, new energy and the environment, our public- and private-sector clients trust us to solve their most complex challenges.

Atheina Mansour Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Human Resources Consultant

Dignity Health


Law Student

Michigan State University




Doctor of Law

Michigan State University College Of Law

Master of Arts

Michigan State University

Org Chart - AECOM

Atheina Mansour

Americas Human Resources

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Atheina Mansour

What company does Atheina Mansour work for?
Atheina Mansour works for AECOM as Americas Human Resources
What is Atheina Mansour’s role in AECOM?
Atheina Mansour’s role in AECOM is Americas Human Resources
What is Atheina Mansour’s email address?
Atheina Mansour’s email address is a***@aecom.com
What is Atheina Mansour’s business email address?
Atheina Mansour’s business email address is a***@aecom.com
What is Atheina Mansour’s direct phone number?
Atheina Mansour’s direct phone number is (949) ***-****
What is Atheina Mansour’s work phone number?
Atheina Mansour’s headquarters phone number is (972) 788-1000
What is Atheina Mansour’s latest job experience?
Atheina Mansour’s latest job experience is Human Resources Consultant at Dignity Health
What is Atheina Mansour’s latest education?
Atheina Mansour’s latest education in Doctor of Law at Michigan State University College Of Law
Which industry does Atheina Mansour work in?
Atheina Mansour works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Atheina Mansour’s colleagues?
Some of Atheina Mansour’s colleagues are George Angle, Brenda Sibilia, Peter Sodersstrom, Nicole Arellano.
How can I contact Atheina Mansour?
Atheina Mansour contact details: Email address: a***@aecom.com Phone number: (949) ***-****
Who is Atheina Mansour?

Atheina Mansour is an Americas Human Resources at AECOM based in Dallas, Texas. Previously, Atheina was a Human Resources Consultant at Dignity Health and also held positions at Michigan State University. Atheina received a Doctor of Law degree from Michigan State University College Of Law and a Master of Arts from Michigan State University....

Where is Atheina Mansour based?
Atheina Mansour works for AECOM, located at United States