Aswin Kumar

Financial Consultant at Shankara Building Products

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Aswin Kumar Work Experience Summary

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About Aswin Kumar

Aswin Kumar is a Financial Consultant at Shankara Building Products based in Wipro Limited, Karnataka. Aswin received a Associate’s degree from Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay and a Bachelor’s from Loyola College.Explore more

Aswin Kumar Current Workplace

Shankara Building Products

2024-present (2 months)

Shankara Building Products is one of India's leading organised retailers of home improvement and building products in India, based on number of stores operating under "Shankara Buildpro". This 2000 Cr.(INR 20 billion), ISO 9001:2008 company carries with it a legacy of 21 years of impeccable service to customers spread across South, West and East India. It is also Known for its team with experienced and dedicated people heading its operations with an uncompromising attitude to quality and efficiency through all its services. Our operations are headquartered in Bangalore. The distribution network, branch offices, warehouses and retail stores span the states of Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, TamilNadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Puducherry. We have our own fleet of trucks for transport to help augment our logistics capabilities. This helps in providing the last mile delivery. Our processing facilities are located in numerous states of India.

Aswin Kumar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Financial Officer






Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay


Loyola College

Org Chart - Shankara Building Products


Financial Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aswin Kumar

What company does Aswin Kumar work for?
Aswin Kumar works for Shankara Building Products as Financial Consultant
What is Aswin Kumar’s role in Shankara Building Products?
Aswin Kumar’s role in Shankara Building Products is Financial Consultant
What is Aswin Kumar’s direct phone number?
Aswin Kumar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aswin Kumar’s work phone number?
Aswin Kumar’s headquarters phone number is +91 8027836955
What is Aswin Kumar’s latest job experience?
Aswin Kumar’s latest job experience is Chief Financial Officer at Portea
What is Aswin Kumar’s latest education?
Aswin Kumar’s latest education in Associate’s at Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay
Which industry does Aswin Kumar work in?
Aswin Kumar works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are Aswin Kumar’s peers at other companies?
Aswin Kumar’s peers at other companies are Julie Smith, Brandon Joy, Campbell Edmondson, Sarah Staton, Julie Clarkson.
Who are Aswin Kumar’s colleagues?
Some of Aswin Kumar’s colleagues are Venkatesh Ananthram, Mahanthesh Manthu, Faisal Ahmed, Sukumar Srinivas.
Who is Aswin Kumar?

Aswin Kumar is a Financial Consultant at Shankara Building Products based in Wipro Limited, Karnataka. Aswin received a Associate’s degree from Indian Merchants Chamber, Bombay and a Bachelor’s from Loyola College.... Read More

Where is Aswin Kumar based?
Aswin Kumar works for Shankara Building Products, located at India
See more information about Aswin Kumar

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