Asma Muhammad

Group Director, Finance at Reach Employment Services

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(***) ***-****

Asma Muhammad Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Asma Muhammad Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Asma Muhammad

Asma Muhammad is a Group Director, Finance at Reach Employment Services based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi. Previously, Asma was a Manager, Financial Planning & Strategy at and also held positions at Porcellan, McDermott, Caribou Coffee, Clover Pakistan, GSK, PwC. Asma received a Intermediate degree from St. Joseph's Government College for Women and a B-Com from Karachi University.Explore more

Asma Muhammad Current Workplace

Reach Employment Services

2023-present (2 years)

Established in 1999, REACH Employment Services is a market leader in employee recruitment and outsourcing and services a diverse range of clients in the public and private sectors. REACH has developed a broad portfolio of capabilities in order to successfully address each client's unique recruitment challenges. REACH implements intensive search and assessment measures prior to hiring employees directly onto its payroll and subsequently seconding them to clients' premises. REACH is a registered and approved outsourcing agency by the Ministry of Labor. REACH Employment Services provides human resource services for the government, semi-government and the oil and gas sectors, as well as the technology and telecommunications, banking and finance, health, education, real estate development and other sectors.

Asma Muhammad Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Financial Planning & Strategy


Senior Manager, Financial Planning & Strategy



Budget Fabrication Controller



Head of Finance

Caribou Coffee





St. Joseph's Government College for Women


Karachi University


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan



Org Chart - Reach Employment Services


Group Director, Finance




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Asma Muhammad

What company does Asma Muhammad work for?
Asma Muhammad works for Reach Employment Services as Group Director, Finance
What is Asma Muhammad’s role in Reach Employment Services?
Asma Muhammad’s role in Reach Employment Services is Group Director, Finance
What is Asma Muhammad’s email address?
Asma Muhammad’s email address is a***
What is Asma Muhammad’s business email address?
Asma Muhammad’s business email address is a***
What is Asma Muhammad’s direct phone number?
Asma Muhammad’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Asma Muhammad’s work phone number?
Asma Muhammad’s headquarters phone number is +971 26765722
What is Asma Muhammad’s latest job experience?
Asma Muhammad’s latest job experience is Manager, Financial Planning & Strategy at
What is Asma Muhammad’s latest education?
Asma Muhammad’s latest education in Intermediate at St. Joseph's Government College for Women
Which industry does Asma Muhammad work in?
Asma Muhammad works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Asma Muhammad’s peers at other companies?
Asma Muhammad’s peers at other companies are Dave Arnold, Jessica Foss, Pam Jones, Matthew Smallwood, Toby Bick.
Who are Asma Muhammad’s colleagues?
Some of Asma Muhammad’s colleagues are Latifah Abdullah, Leilanie Valdepenas, Aswin Mokeri, Goutham Balu.
How can I contact Asma Muhammad?
Asma Muhammad contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Asma Muhammad?

Asma Muhammad is a Group Director, Finance at Reach Employment Services based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi. Previously, Asma was a Manager, Financial Planning & Strategy at and also held positions at Porcellan, McDermott, Caribou Coffee, Clover Pakistan, GSK, PwC. Asma received a Intermediate degree from St. Joseph's Government College for... Women and a B-Com from Karachi University.Read More

Where is Asma Muhammad based?
Asma Muhammad works for Reach Employment Services, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Asma Muhammad

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