
Asif Siddique

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(***) ***-****

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About Asif Siddique

Asif Siddique works at Jasfo.in, which is an Architecture, Engineering & Design company with an estimated 23 employees. Asif is currently based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Found email listings include: @jasfo.in.Explore more

Asif Siddique Current Workplace


2024-present (10 months)

With nearly 15 years experience in all aspects of Turnkey Interior, Javed established Jasfo to realize a consuming passion for design, architectural & execution style.He also brings a strong corporate approach to each project, combining project management skills, cost planning & time control with a commitment to delivering the finest solution for each & every element. He has under taken projects for companies like: Piramal Group, Tata Sky Ltd., Transparent Value, Bilt Industries, Interactive Brokers, Continuum Managed Solutions, India TV, Sony India, Sugatsune, CKP Holding, Barry Callebaut, Ricoh India, Brother Printer, Panalpina World Transport and many more from corporate world. His experience allows him to advise his Business Believers on how to potentially add value to their workplace. Asan independent entrepreneur of Jasfo Design, his projects always combine creative timeless approach with a signature elegant style. The company now encompasses Design, Project Management & FurnishiSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Asif Siddique

What is Asif Siddique’s email address?
Asif Siddique’s email address is a***@jasfo.in
What is Asif Siddique’s business email address?
Asif Siddique’s business email address is a***@jasfo.in
What is Asif Siddique’s direct phone number?
Asif Siddique’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Asif Siddique’s work phone number?
Asif Siddique’s headquarters phone number is +91 2249036600
Which industry does Asif Siddique work in?
Asif Siddique works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Asif Siddique’s colleagues?
Some of Asif Siddique’s colleagues are Hajra Shaikh, Vicky Gudise, Shaheen Shaikh, Nihal Hodekar.
How can I contact Asif Siddique?
Asif Siddique contact details: Email address: a***@jasfo.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Asif Siddique based?
Asif Siddique works for Jasfo.in, located at India
See more information about Asif Siddique

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