
Ashwini Rao

Director at Adarsh Solutions Pvt

Ashwini Rao Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ashwini Rao Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ashwini Rao Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ashwini Rao

Ashwini Rao is the Director at Adarsh Solutions Pvt, responsible for overseeing various projects and initiatives. Prior to their current role, they held the position of Team Lead at Eagle Technologies, Inc. Rao holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Bangalore University, bringing a strong technical background and expertise to their work.Explore more

Ashwini Rao Current Workplace

Adarsh Solutions Pvt

2018-present (6 years)

Adarsh Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a globally focused Software Development, Training services and manpower Consultancy Company. Adarsh Solutions (P) Ltd is based in Bangalore, India, and has a dedicated team of software professionals with diverse technical skill sets. This number is steadily growing to help us achieve our vision and goals. Stringent quality standards, exceptional resource capabilities and a consistent record of delivering solutions to clients on schedule, drive the company's focus. Our areas of specialization are in the field of Finance, Internet & Intranet Solutions, Hospital Information Systems, Content Development, Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM), Application Software, and Project Management. By focusing on our client's distinctive core competencies, we develop cost-effective software, using the State-of-the-Art Technologies, to cash in on the optimized solutions that we endeavor to deliver.

Ashwini Rao Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Team Lead

Eagle Technologies, Inc.


Lead Developer At GovProcure



Software Developer

Synectics for Management Decisions



EvenFlow Technologies


Org Chart - Adarsh Solutions Pvt






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ashwini Rao

What company does Ashwini Rao work for?
Ashwini Rao works for Adarsh Solutions Pvt as Director
What is Ashwini Rao’s role in Adarsh Solutions Pvt?
Ashwini Rao’s role in Adarsh Solutions Pvt is Director
What is Ashwini Rao’s email address?
Ashwini Rao’s email address is a***@adarshsolutions.com
What is Ashwini Rao’s business email address?
Ashwini Rao’s business email address is a***@adarshsolutions.com
What is Ashwini Rao’s direct phone number?
Ashwini Rao’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ashwini Rao’s work phone number?
Ashwini Rao’s headquarters phone number is +91 9845698689
What is Ashwini Rao’s latest job experience?
Ashwini Rao’s latest job experience is Team Lead at Eagle Technologies, Inc.
Which industry does Ashwini Rao work in?
Ashwini Rao works in the industry of Software General, Software.
Who are Ashwini Rao’s peers at other companies?
Ashwini Rao’s peers at other companies are Robert Storey, Trevor Lindhout, Pushpa Kalmath, Daniel Johnson, John Rafferty.
Who are Ashwini Rao’s colleagues?
Some of Ashwini Rao’s colleagues are Jyothi Suguru, Abhiram Thatavarthy, Stanislaus Joseph, Subhash Ka.
How can I contact Ashwini Rao?
Ashwini Rao contact details: Email address: a***@adarshsolutions.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ashwini Rao?

Ashwini Rao is the Director at Adarsh Solutions Pvt, responsible for overseeing various projects and initiatives. Prior to their current role, they held the position of Team Lead at Eagle Technologies, Inc. Rao holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Bangalore University, bringing a strong technical background and expertise to their work.... Read More

Where is Ashwini Rao based?
Ashwini Rao works for Adarsh Solutions Pvt, located at India
See more information about Ashwini Rao

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