2022-present (3 years)
Ashton Flowers Email & Phone number
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Ashton Flowers Current Workplace
8361 Vickers St Ste 308, San Diego, California, 92111, United States
(858) 637-4000
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Ashton Flowers Work Experience Summary
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2Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
2Last Update 12/17/2024 2:07 AM
About Ashton Flowers
Ashton Flowers is a Telephone Interviewer at Cic Research based in San Diego, California.
Previously, Ashton was a Dialer at Venture Data.
Ashton received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from University of California, Riverside.
Ashton Flowers Current Workplace
Cic Research
CIC Research, Inc. is a full-service marketing, economics and survey research firm located in San Diego, California. The company provides expertise in the areas of marketing, economic, land use, financial analysis, survey design, data collection, coding, custom data processing, travel, tourism and events research, and full-service quantitative research. Since CIC Research, Inc. began working with the San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC PTAC) in September 2004, the company has received technical assistance from SDCOC on a variety of topics, including locating government business opportunities, obtaining/completing government certifications and registrations, marketing strategies for government customers, obtaining a GSA schedule contract, and responding to requests for proposals (RFPs) and requests for quotes (RFQs).
Ashton Flowers Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - Cic Research
Ashton Flowers
Telephone Interviewer
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ashton Flowers
Ashton Flowers is a Telephone Interviewer at Cic Research based in San Diego, California. Previously, Ashton was a Dialer at Venture Data. Ashton received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from University of California, Riverside....