Ashley Maxey

Commercial Estimator at Cabinet Masters

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(***) ***-****

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Ashley Maxey Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Ashley Maxey

Ashley Maxey is a Commercial Estimator at Cabinet Masters based in Ironton, Missouri. Previously, Ashley was a Department Assistant at Westminster College and also held positions at Arcadia Academy.Explore more

Ashley Maxey Current Workplace

Cabinet Masters

2014-present (11 years)

Founded in 1996, CMI has steadily grown through adverse economic conditions because of its focus on customer satisfaction and quality. A family owned operation that began by the hard-work and dedication of two brothers had taken CMI to a national level in the architectural millwork industry. In 2010, Matthew Dunn (Co-Owner with his brother, Russell Dunn) bought out his brother and began implementing lean management techniques, strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and an overall focus on reliability. Our history and our customers have helped CMI grow into the force that it is today with its headquarters being over 150,000/SF and a workforce that has continued growing along with the company. Since its establishment, CMI has been family owned and customer service oriented, serving small businesses to large corporations on all commercial projects. Our success is based solely off of the satisfaction of our customers, a quality product that we provide and our efficiency in time and costSee more

Ashley Maxey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Department Assistant

Westminster College





Dish Washer

Arcadia Academy


Server and Cashier

Fresh Ideas


Org Chart - Cabinet Masters


Commercial Estimator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ashley Maxey

What company does Ashley Maxey work for?
Ashley Maxey works for Cabinet Masters as Commercial Estimator
What is Ashley Maxey’s role in Cabinet Masters?
Ashley Maxey’s role in Cabinet Masters is Commercial Estimator
What is Ashley Maxey’s direct phone number?
Ashley Maxey’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ashley Maxey’s work phone number?
Ashley Maxey’s headquarters phone number is (573) 546-9999
What is Ashley Maxey’s latest job experience?
Ashley Maxey’s latest job experience is Department Assistant at Westminster College
Which industry does Ashley Maxey work in?
Ashley Maxey works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Ashley Maxey’s peers at other companies?
Ashley Maxey’s peers at other companies are Ed Glidden, Bryan Smith, Scott Grant, Rebekah Mandville, William Canedo.
Who are Ashley Maxey’s colleagues?
Some of Ashley Maxey’s colleagues are Todd Dunn, Ronnie Gibbs, Mike Robles, Rosemarie Aquino.
Who is Ashley Maxey?

Ashley Maxey is a Commercial Estimator at Cabinet Masters based in Ironton, Missouri. Previously, Ashley was a Department Assistant at Westminster College and also held positions at Arcadia Academy.... Read More

Where is Ashley Maxey based?
Ashley Maxey works for Cabinet Masters, located at United States
See more information about Ashley Maxey

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