
Ashley Kress

HR Generalist at Global Logistical Connections

Ashley Kress Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Ashley Kress Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ashley Kress Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ashley Kress

Ashley Kress is an HR Generalist at Global Logistical Connections, where they are responsible for overseeing a range of human resources functions. With a passion for people and a North Carolina native, they previously worked as a Talent Acquisition Specialist and Account Manager at Triple E Partners, assisting clients with their staffing needs.Prior to their current role, Ashley was a student at Western Carolina University, pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resources. They also hold a degree in Sociology with a concentration in Organizations, Occupations, and Work from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In their free time, Ashley enjoys roaming the trails of North Carolina with their dog, Lilo.

Ashley Kress Current Workplace

Global Logistical Connections

2024-present (1 year)

Global Logistical Connections, Inc. (GLC) is a fully integrated customs brokerage, freight forwarding and warehouse operation with a headquarters in Los Angeles and branch offices in Chicago, Dallas and Miami. Through an emphasis of customer service to our customers as well as our valued worldwide partners we have been rewarded extensive support and growth. It is our dedicated and custom built service that separates us from our competitors. From our warehousing and distribution operation to our customs brokerage and freight forwarding expertise we are a complete supply chain management corporation. Based in Los Angeles we are strategically located next to the largest port within the USA. In today's world our business has become increasingly driven by International trade. Partnership through our valued agents across the world has allowed Global Logistical Connections to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. We invite you to join us in our philosophy of Global Ambition!

Ashley Kress Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

HR Generalist & Account Manager

Triple E Partners


Community Event Manager



Human Resources Intern

Fontaine Modification


Recruiting and Sourcing Intern



Org Chart - Global Logistical Connections

Ashley Kress

HR Generalist

Recent News About Ashley Kress

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ashley Kress

What company does Ashley Kress work for?
Ashley Kress works for Global Logistical Connections as HR Generalist
What is Ashley Kress’s role in Global Logistical Connections?
Ashley Kress’s role in Global Logistical Connections is HR Generalist
What is Ashley Kress’s email address?
Ashley Kress’s email address is a***@glc-inc.com
What is Ashley Kress’s business email address?
Ashley Kress’s business email address is a***@glc-inc.com
What is Ashley Kress’s direct phone number?
Ashley Kress’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ashley Kress’s work phone number?
Ashley Kress’s headquarters phone number is (909) 312-6865
What is Ashley Kress’s latest job experience?
Ashley Kress’s latest job experience is HR Generalist & Account Manager at Triple E Partners
Which industry does Ashley Kress work in?
Ashley Kress works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Ashley Kress’s peers at other companies?
Ashley Kress’s peers at other companies are Tiffany Teamer, Tiffany Hanson, Edwin Naulaguari, Victoria Smith, Scott Luttrell.
Who are Ashley Kress’s colleagues?
Some of Ashley Kress’s colleagues are Andres Sanchez, Julio Sauer, Jinna Sanchez, Marijonas Brazys.
How can I contact Ashley Kress?
Ashley Kress contact details: Email address: a***@glc-inc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ashley Kress?

Ashley Kress is an HR Generalist at Global Logistical Connections, where they are responsible for overseeing a range of human resources functions. With a passion for people and a North Carolina native, they previously worked as a Talent Acquisition Specialist and Account Manager at Triple E Partners, assisting clients with their staffing needs.Prio... r to their current role, Ashley was a student at Western Carolina University, pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resources. They also hold a degree in Sociology with a concentration in Organizations, Occupations, and Work from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In their free time, Ashley enjoys roaming the trails of North Carolina with their dog, Lilo.

Where is Ashley Kress based?
Ashley Kress works for Global Logistical Connections, located at United States