Arvind Thoopurani

Corporate Relations and Placements at Odin School

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About Arvind Thoopurani

Arvind Thoopurani works as a Corporate Relations and Placements at Odin School, which is a Telecommunications company with an estimated 254 employees. They are part of Marketing Department. Found email listings include: @odinschool.com.Explore more

Arvind Thoopurani Current Workplace

Odin School

2023-present (2 years)

We have very strong conviction in the fact that Data Science is here to stay and grow consistently over the next decade. Our mission is to select talented youth from across the country and transform them into skilled resources in the emerging domain of Data Sciences. We also work very closely with the industry, not only to place our students, but also to solicit industry participation in making our programs very relevant to the demands of the current corporate world. At OdinSchool, we adopt a bootcamp approach in skilling. Our bootcamps are highly dynamic, industry relevant and rigorous. At the same time, they are designed to give our learners the flexibility of learning at their own pace so that they can master every concept before moving on the next. Complete with live classes from domain experts, hands-on projects, mentorship from industry leaders, and career services, our Bootcamps are singularly aimed at producing skilled professionals in the Data Science domain. If you are a DataSee more

Org Chart - Odin School


Corporate Relations and Placements




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Arvind Thoopurani

What company does Arvind Thoopurani work for?
Arvind Thoopurani works for Odin School as Corporate Relations and Placements
What is Arvind Thoopurani’s role in Odin School?
Arvind Thoopurani’s role in Odin School is Corporate Relations and Placements
What is Arvind Thoopurani’s email address?
Arvind Thoopurani’s email address is a***@odinschool.com
What is Arvind Thoopurani’s business email address?
Arvind Thoopurani’s business email address is a***@odinschool.com
What is Arvind Thoopurani’s direct phone number?
Arvind Thoopurani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Arvind Thoopurani’s work phone number?
Arvind Thoopurani’s headquarters phone number is +91 9355011033
Which industry does Arvind Thoopurani work in?
Arvind Thoopurani works in the industry of Telecommunications General, Telecommunications.
Who are Arvind Thoopurani’s colleagues?
Some of Arvind Thoopurani’s colleagues are Suresh Patlolla, Nikitha Reddy, Vyshali Reddy, Dheeraj Susarla.
How can I contact Arvind Thoopurani?
Arvind Thoopurani contact details: Email address: a***@odinschool.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
See more information about Arvind Thoopurani

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