Aruna Mali

Hospital Administrator at Vaatsalya Healthcare

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About Aruna Mali

Aruna Mali is a Hospital Administrator at Vaatsalya Healthcare based in Singasandra, Karnataka.Explore more

Aruna Mali Current Workplace

Vaatsalya Healthcare

2024-present (7 months)

Vaatsalya, a pioneer in healthcare services delivery in semi-urban and rural India, today announced successful completion of another round of funding, led by Singapore-based Aquarius India Fund; an India focussed private equity fund that has been investing in emerging enterprises in India. One of the existing investors, Seedfund also participated in this round of funding. Vaatsalya will use the funds in expanding its footprint from eleven hospitals in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to create a pan India hospital network. SN Subramanya and Vamsi Ramana Ravuri, from the investment advisory firm Aquarius Investment Advisors India, will join and represent Aquarius India Fund on the company's Board of Directors. Vaatsalya had earlier received funding from a global pioneer in impact investing, Oasis fund based in Luxembourg (which is advised by Bamboo Finance of Geneva, Switzerland), India's leading early stage fund Seedfund and India's pioneering micro venture capital fund, Aavishkaar. VillgrSee more

Org Chart - Vaatsalya Healthcare


Hospital Administrator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aruna Mali

What company does Aruna Mali work for?
Aruna Mali works for Vaatsalya Healthcare as Hospital Administrator
What is Aruna Mali’s role in Vaatsalya Healthcare?
Aruna Mali’s role in Vaatsalya Healthcare is Hospital Administrator
What is Aruna Mali’s email address?
Aruna Mali’s email address is m***
What is Aruna Mali’s business email address?
Aruna Mali’s business email address is m***
What is Aruna Mali’s direct phone number?
Aruna Mali’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aruna Mali’s work phone number?
Aruna Mali’s headquarters phone number is +91 180042588888
Which industry does Aruna Mali work in?
Aruna Mali works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Aruna Mali’s peers at other companies?
Aruna Mali’s peers at other companies are Alfred Varrichio, Cheryl Watts, David Fenton, Janet Powell, Ray Tiples.
Who are Aruna Mali’s colleagues?
Some of Aruna Mali’s colleagues are Pradeep Hadimani, Anil Bidri, Moula Basha, Asif Ahmed.
How can I contact Aruna Mali?
Aruna Mali contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Aruna Mali?

Aruna Mali is a Hospital Administrator at Vaatsalya Healthcare based in Singasandra, Karnataka.... Read More

Where is Aruna Mali based?
Aruna Mali works for Vaatsalya Healthcare, located at India
See more information about Aruna Mali

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