Arun ManansinghA+

Arun Manansingh

Chief Executive Officer at CFA Society New York

Arun Manansingh Email & Phone number

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(646) ***-****

Arun Manansingh Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Arun Manansingh Work Experience Summary

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About Arun Manansingh

Arun Manansingh is the Chief Executive Officer at CFA Society New York based in New York City, New York. Previously, Arun was the Executive Director, Corporate Services at World Trade Center and also held positions at Judlau Contracting, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Arun received a Bachelor of Science degree from New York Institute of Technology.Explore more

Arun Manansingh Current Workplace

CFA Society New York

2022-present (3 years)

CFA Society New York (formerly known as NYSSA and New York Society of Security Analysts) is one of the largest of 160 member societies of CFA Institute. Its activity began in 1937, when value investing pioneer Benjamin Graham began organizing regular meetings of local security analysts. Throughout its history, the society has remained a volunteer-led, member-driven forum for the investment community with the broad, basic aims of: establishing and maintaining high standards of ethics and professional conduct, raising standards of practice, supporting the interchange of ideas and information among investment professionals, and promoting a proper public understanding of the function of security analysis and the operation of the securities markets. CFA Society New York works in conjunction with CFA Institute to develop the industry's future professionals and to raise the standards of professionalism in the investment management industry.

Arun Manansingh Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive Director, Corporate Services

World Trade Center


Chief Operating Officer

World Trade Center


Chief Information & Operating Officer

World Trade Center


Chief Information Officer

World Trade Center




Bachelor of Science

New York Institute of Technology

Org Chart - CFA Society New York

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Arun Manansingh

What company does Arun Manansingh work for?
Arun Manansingh works for CFA Society New York as Chief Executive Officer
What is Arun Manansingh’s role in CFA Society New York?
Arun Manansingh’s role in CFA Society New York is Chief Executive Officer
What is Arun Manansingh’s email address?
Arun Manansingh’s email address is a***
What is Arun Manansingh’s business email address?
Arun Manansingh’s business email address is a***
What is Arun Manansingh’s direct phone number?
Arun Manansingh’s direct phone number is (646) ***-****
What is Arun Manansingh’s work phone number?
Arun Manansingh’s headquarters phone number is (212) 541-4530
What is Arun Manansingh’s latest job experience?
Arun Manansingh’s latest job experience is Executive Director, Corporate Services at World Trade Center
What is Arun Manansingh’s latest education?
Arun Manansingh’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at New York Institute of Technology
Which industry does Arun Manansingh work in?
Arun Manansingh works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Arun Manansingh’s peers at other companies?
Arun Manansingh’s peers at other companies are Daniell Laster, Alicia Winckler, Benjamin Thompson, Jeannie Shaughnessy, Eve Lee.
Who are Arun Manansingh’s colleagues?
Some of Arun Manansingh’s colleagues are Bhaskar Kulkarni, DeAndra Wilson, Christopher Bruzese, Stephen Mayrose.
How can I contact Arun Manansingh?
Arun Manansingh contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (646) ***-****
Who is Arun Manansingh?

Arun Manansingh is the Chief Executive Officer at CFA Society New York based in New York City, New York. Previously, Arun was the Executive Director, Corporate Services at World Trade Center and also held positions at Judlau Contracting, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Arun received a Bachelor of Science degree from New York Institute of Tec... hnology.Read More

Where is Arun Manansingh based?
Arun Manansingh works for CFA Society New York, located at United States
Who is CFA Society New York’s Chief Executive Officer?
CFA Society New York's Chief Executive Officer is Arun Manansingh
See more information about Arun Manansingh

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