Ari Triana

Operator at Spark Minda

Ari Triana Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Ari Triana

Ari Triana works as a Operator at Spark Minda, which is an Automotive Parts company with an estimated 16,000 employees. Their management level is Non-Manager. Ari is currently based in Karawang, West Java. Found email listings include: @sparkminda.com.Explore more

Ari Triana Current Workplace

Spark Minda

2023-present (2 years)

Founded in 1958, based out of Gurugram, India, Minda has been a major presence in India's automobile industry. These fifty years have been interspersed by a number of technological innovations that have gone on to become industry standards. Today the Group has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer of automobile components. For the technological edge, we have a dedicated R&D facility and collaborations with the pioneers and leaders of the Automobile Industry. For assimilating the latest technologies, Spark Minda has entered into strategic alliances and technical collaborations with leading international companies and acquired businesses across Europe. This has provided Spark Minda with the cutting edge in product design and technology to meet strict international quality standards.

Org Chart - Spark Minda






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ari Triana

What company does Ari Triana work for?
Ari Triana works for Spark Minda as Operator
What is Ari Triana’s role in Spark Minda?
Ari Triana’s role in Spark Minda is Operator
What is Ari Triana’s email address?
Ari Triana’s email address is a***@sparkminda.com
What is Ari Triana’s business email address?
Ari Triana’s business email address is a***@sparkminda.com
What is Ari Triana’s direct phone number?
Ari Triana’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ari Triana’s work phone number?
Ari Triana’s headquarters phone number is +91 1244698400
Which industry does Ari Triana work in?
Ari Triana works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Parts, Manufacturing.
Who are Ari Triana’s peers at other companies?
Ari Triana’s peers at other companies are Richard Fillmore, Matt Dudley, VaKendria Foster, Letitia Pollard, Susan Walters.
Who are Ari Triana’s colleagues?
Some of Ari Triana’s colleagues are Sushant Ambardar, Tarun Kumar, Sagar Wable, Fahad Khan.
How can I contact Ari Triana?
Ari Triana contact details: Email address: a***@sparkminda.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Ari Triana based?
Ari Triana works for Spark Minda, located at India
See more information about Ari Triana

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