Aram KovachA+

Aram Kovach

President at Mobius International

Aram Kovach Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Aram Kovach Current Workplace

Aram Kovach Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Aram Kovach

Aram Kovach works as a President at Mobius International, which is an Advertising & Marketing company with an estimated 15 employees. They are part of C-Suite Department and their management level is C-Level. Aram graduated from their alma mater, The Ohio State University in 1983 and is currently based in Columbus, Ohio. They used to work at Comp Ex and CareTRAC™. Found email listings include:,,and

Aram Kovach Current Workplace

Mobius International

2006-present (19 years)

Mobius International Inc is a company that operates in the Advertising & Marketing industry. It employs 10to19 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue.

Aram Kovach Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Comp Ex


Vice President and Partner




Comp Ex


Senior Network Engineer





Industrial and Product Design

The Ohio State University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Founder & Advisory Board Member



Org Chart - Mobius International

Profile Picture

Aram Kovach


Recent News About Aram Kovach

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aram Kovach

What company does Aram Kovach work for?
Aram Kovach works for Mobius International as President
What is Aram Kovach’s role in Mobius International?
Aram Kovach’s role in Mobius International is President
What is Aram Kovach’s email address?
Aram Kovach’s email address is a***
What is Aram Kovach’s business email address?
Aram Kovach’s business email address is a***
What is Aram Kovach’s direct phone number?
Aram Kovach’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Aram Kovach’s latest job experience?
Aram Kovach’s latest job experience is President at Comp Ex
What is Aram Kovach’s latest education?
Aram Kovach’s latest education in Industrial and Product Design at The Ohio State University
Which industry does Aram Kovach work in?
Aram Kovach works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Aram Kovach’s peers at other companies?
Aram Kovach’s peers at other companies are Eric Knudsen, Kevin Kohleriter, Patrick Harris, Bill Hipsher, Xavier Pena.
Who are Aram Kovach’s colleagues?
Some of Aram Kovach’s colleagues are Michael Mcguire.
How can I contact Aram Kovach?
Aram Kovach contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mobius International’s President?
Mobius International's President is Aram Kovach