Anurag Kumar

Division Director, Sales at Jung

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About Anurag Kumar

Anurag Kumar is a Division Director, Sales at Jung based in Schalksmühle, Nordrhein-Westfalen.Explore more

Anurag Kumar Current Workplace


2013-present (11 years)

Lighting, blinds, air conditioning, energy, security, door communication and multimedia - the functional diversity of JUNG systems covers all areas of modern electrical installation. As a pioneer of his time, Albrecht Jung created the basis for the JUNG success story with the founding of the company in 1912 and the development of a new type of pull switch with 1/8 rotation. Then as now, innovation, passion and precision set the course for the developments of JUNG. Consistent in design and form, JUNG systems provide the appropriate solution for every requirement. From the light switch to security technology and door communication to wireless or KNX based applications, buildings can be comprehensively equipped with the highest technical and design quality. The family-owned company based in Schalksmühle, a town in western Germany, is represented worldwide by 18 subsidiaries and independent sales and partner organisations in around 67 countries worldwide. With its commitment to productionSee more

Org Chart - Jung


Division Director, Sales




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    Anurag Kumar , National Head Albrecht Jung Gmbh & Co. KG briefs on how the company is taking all these requirements into account with intelligent

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anurag Kumar

What company does Anurag Kumar work for?
Anurag Kumar works for Jung as Division Director, Sales
What is Anurag Kumar’s role in Jung?
Anurag Kumar’s role in Jung is Division Director, Sales
What is Anurag Kumar’s direct phone number?
Anurag Kumar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Anurag Kumar’s work phone number?
Anurag Kumar’s headquarters phone number is +49 23558060
Which industry does Anurag Kumar work in?
Anurag Kumar works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Anurag Kumar’s peers at other companies?
Anurag Kumar’s peers at other companies are Gavin Joe, Teri Fei, Amily Ma, Ajay Gupta, Gregory Lefebvre.
Who are Anurag Kumar’s colleagues?
Some of Anurag Kumar’s colleagues are Sihab Cheringal, Antonio Trigo, Kay Leung, Tony Lee.
Who is Anurag Kumar?

Anurag Kumar is a Division Director, Sales at Jung based in Schalksmühle, Nordrhein-Westfalen.... Read More

Where is Anurag Kumar based?
Anurag Kumar works for Jung, located at Germany
See more information about Anurag Kumar

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