Anuj Gaur

Manager at Grant Thornton Bharat

Anuj Gaur Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Anuj Gaur Current Workplace



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Anuj Gaur Work Experience Summary

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About Anuj Gaur

Anuj Gaur is a Manager at Grant Thornton Bharat based in New Delhi, Nct. Previously, Anuj was a Manager at EY and also held positions at Infosys, Cnbc-tv18. Anuj received a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from RUHS, Rajasthan and a Post Graduation Diploma of Health and Hospital Management from IIHMR.Explore more

Anuj Gaur Current Workplace

Grant Thornton Bharat

2022-present (3 years)

We are one of the largest fully integrated Assurance, Tax and Advisory firms in the country. We run focused programmes in six key sectors: Automotive, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), Consumer Products, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Media, and Real Estate. We have a deep understanding of these sectors, including emerging trends, challenges, disruptions and issues faced by the companies we serve in these sectors.

Anuj Gaur Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Test Engineer



Engineer Internship





Bachelor of Pharmacy - (B.Pharma.), Pharmacy, A

RUHS, Rajasthan

Post Graduation Diploma of Health and Hospital Management


Org Chart - Grant Thornton Bharat






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anuj Gaur

What company does Anuj Gaur work for?
Anuj Gaur works for Grant Thornton Bharat as Manager
What is Anuj Gaur’s role in Grant Thornton Bharat?
Anuj Gaur’s role in Grant Thornton Bharat is Manager
What is Anuj Gaur’s email address?
Anuj Gaur’s email address is a***@grantthornton.com.vn
What is Anuj Gaur’s business email address?
Anuj Gaur’s business email address is a***@grantthornton.com.vn
What is Anuj Gaur’s direct phone number?
Anuj Gaur’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Anuj Gaur’s work phone number?
Anuj Gaur’s headquarters phone number is +91 1149527400
What is Anuj Gaur’s latest job experience?
Anuj Gaur’s latest job experience is Manager at EY
What is Anuj Gaur’s latest education?
Anuj Gaur’s latest education in Bachelor of Pharmacy - (B.Pharma.), Pharmacy, A at RUHS, Rajasthan
Which industry does Anuj Gaur work in?
Anuj Gaur works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Anuj Gaur’s peers at other companies?
Anuj Gaur’s peers at other companies are Stoyu Mack, Harry Ullmann, John Dovet, Helen Martin, Andrea Mitchell.
Who are Anuj Gaur’s colleagues?
Some of Anuj Gaur’s colleagues are Surendra Gang, Snehil Khanduri, Khushi Agarwal, Kartik Jain.
How can I contact Anuj Gaur?
Anuj Gaur contact details: Email address: a***@grantthornton.com.vn Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Anuj Gaur?

Anuj Gaur is a Manager at Grant Thornton Bharat based in New Delhi, Nct. Previously, Anuj was a Manager at EY and also held positions at Infosys, Cnbc-tv18. Anuj received a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from RUHS, Rajasthan and a Post Graduation Diploma of Health and Hospital Management from IIHMR.... Read More

Where is Anuj Gaur based?
Anuj Gaur works for Grant Thornton Bharat, located at India
See more information about Anuj Gaur

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