
Anugerah Nanda

Assistant Producer at DAAI TV

Anugerah Nanda Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Anugerah Nanda Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Anugerah Nanda Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Anugerah Nanda

Anugerah Nanda is an Assistant Producer at DAAI TV based in Indah. Previously, Anugerah was an Associate Producer at RTV (Rajawali Televisi and also held positions at Trans 7.Explore more

Anugerah Nanda Current Workplace


2024-present (3 months)

DAAI TV - Televisi Cinta Kasih, resmi siaran pada tahun 2007 sebagai stasiun TV swasta di Indonesia yang mengudara secara terestrial di Jakarta dan Medan. Secara unik, DAAI TV memposisikan diri sebagai “Televisi Cinta Kasih”. Isi dari setiap tayangan sarat akan pesan moral dan cinta kasih, memberi inspirasi, dan juga bersifat kreatif edukatif.

Anugerah Nanda Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Producer

RTV (Rajawali Televisi


Production Assistant

RTV (Rajawali Televisi


Production Assistant

Trans 7


Org Chart - DAAI TV


Assistant Producer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anugerah Nanda

What company does Anugerah Nanda work for?
Anugerah Nanda works for DAAI TV as Assistant Producer
What is Anugerah Nanda’s role in DAAI TV?
Anugerah Nanda’s role in DAAI TV is Assistant Producer
What is Anugerah Nanda’s email address?
Anugerah Nanda’s email address is a***@daaitv.co.id
What is Anugerah Nanda’s business email address?
Anugerah Nanda’s business email address is a***@daaitv.co.id
What is Anugerah Nanda’s direct phone number?
Anugerah Nanda’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Anugerah Nanda’s work phone number?
Anugerah Nanda’s headquarters phone number is +62 88981005000
What is Anugerah Nanda’s latest job experience?
Anugerah Nanda’s latest job experience is Associate Producer at RTV (Rajawali Televisi
Which industry does Anugerah Nanda work in?
Anugerah Nanda works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Anugerah Nanda’s peers at other companies?
Anugerah Nanda’s peers at other companies are Ayanabha Banerjee, Aastha Chaudhary, Ashish Yadav, Rumela Banerjee, Muhammad Ab Rahim.
Who are Anugerah Nanda’s colleagues?
Some of Anugerah Nanda’s colleagues are Hong Tjhin, Leonard Lumopa, Rio Whisnu, Jenni Sihombing.
How can I contact Anugerah Nanda?
Anugerah Nanda contact details: Email address: a***@daaitv.co.id Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Anugerah Nanda?

Anugerah Nanda is an Assistant Producer at DAAI TV based in Indah. Previously, Anugerah was an Associate Producer at RTV (Rajawali Televisi and also held positions at Trans 7.... Read More

Where is Anugerah Nanda based?
Anugerah Nanda works for DAAI TV, located at Indonesia
See more information about Anugerah Nanda

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