Antonio Demarco

Fire Fighter at Land Scapes

Antonio Demarco Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Antonio Demarco

Antonio Demarco is a Fire Fighter at Land Scapes based in Costa Mesa, California.Explore more

Antonio Demarco Current Workplace

Land Scapes

2019-present (5 years)

Prior to founding Land Scapes in 1992, John Duley honed his professional managerial, sales and customer relations skills with Xerox and CB Richard Ellis for ten years. For the past 20 years, Land Scapes management staff brings a combined total of over 40 years experience in the landscape industry and has 50 employees managing over 200 accounts specializing in the immediate Orange County area. Mr. Duley is a third generation Orange County resident who has an extensive background in real estate services such as development, marketing, property and construction management. He has a conservative business sense with an extremely strong eye for detail. Mr. Duley directly oversees all company operations and all client projects. Joe Andrade, our Field Operations Manager, directs Land Scapes staff of maintenance and construction technicians. Mr. Andrade has over 28 years of experience in the commercial landscape profession. He has been repeatedly recognized by our clients for his unique problemSee more

Org Chart - Land Scapes


Fire Fighter




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Antonio Demarco

What company does Antonio Demarco work for?
Antonio Demarco works for Land Scapes as Fire Fighter
What is Antonio Demarco’s role in Land Scapes?
Antonio Demarco’s role in Land Scapes is Fire Fighter
What is Antonio Demarco’s direct phone number?
Antonio Demarco’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Antonio Demarco’s work phone number?
Antonio Demarco’s headquarters phone number is (949) 574-7147
Which industry does Antonio Demarco work in?
Antonio Demarco works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Antonio Demarco’s peers at other companies?
Antonio Demarco’s peers at other companies are Sabil Khan, Prabhakar Gartaula, James Murindwa, Mike Dickinson, Daniel Njoroge.
Who are Antonio Demarco’s colleagues?
Some of Antonio Demarco’s colleagues are John Drafts, Tony North, Stuart Januszanis, Bill Curington.
Who is Antonio Demarco?

Antonio Demarco is a Fire Fighter at Land Scapes based in Costa Mesa, California.... Read More

Where is Antonio Demarco based?
Antonio Demarco works for Land Scapes, located at United States
See more information about Antonio Demarco

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