Anthony TufanoA

Anthony Tufano

President at The Arnold Companies (TAC)

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(***) ***-****

Anthony Tufano Current Workplace



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Anthony Tufano Work Experience Summary

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About Anthony Tufano

Anthony Tufano is the President of The Arnold Companies (TAC), a leading organization based in Buffalo, United States. He is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and day-to-day operations. Prior to his current role, Tufano served as the President of Mutual Orthopedics, where he gained valuable experience in the industry. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York at Stonybrook, which has equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in his professional endeavors. Tufano's commitment to excellence and his extensive background in the field have made him a respected leader in the industry.Explore more

Anthony Tufano Current Workplace

The Arnold Companies (TAC)

2002-present (23 years)

A family investment management and services firm headquartered in Dallas, TX, TAC - The Arnold Companies values personal passion in its associates to move the company to be the best through strong work ethic, training for success, unwavering integrity, building teams of leaders and strengthening the communities where business is done. The original family business established in 1964 in Texarkana, Texas started as a dream of Truman Arnold. Under his leadership and ownership Truman Arnold Companies flourished, transitioning leadership to Greg Arnold as CEO in 2003, and as Chairman in 2012. The original business, which started as a wholesale refined petroleum products distributor, set the path for the modern growth company it is today. Under the leadership of CEO, Greg Arnold, the company has grown and transitioned to be known as TAC - The Arnold Companies. The company has invested in many different industries including real estate, retail, banking, aviation, technology and many other varSee more

Anthony Tufano Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Mutual Orthopedics




Bachelor of Science degree - biology

State University of New York at Stonybrook

Org Chart - The Arnold Companies (TAC)

Profile Picture






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anthony Tufano

What company does Anthony Tufano work for?
Anthony Tufano works for The Arnold Companies (TAC) as President
What is Anthony Tufano’s role in The Arnold Companies (TAC)?
Anthony Tufano’s role in The Arnold Companies (TAC) is President
What is Anthony Tufano’s direct phone number?
Anthony Tufano’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Anthony Tufano’s work phone number?
Anthony Tufano’s headquarters phone number is (214) 884-2660
What is Anthony Tufano’s latest job experience?
Anthony Tufano’s latest job experience is President at Mutual Orthopedics
What is Anthony Tufano’s latest education?
Anthony Tufano’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree - biology at State University of New York at Stonybrook
Which industry does Anthony Tufano work in?
Anthony Tufano works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Anthony Tufano’s peers at other companies?
Anthony Tufano’s peers at other companies are Hope Konzelman, Michael Ulfsax, Robert McGee, Bryan Place, Michael Shone.
Who are Anthony Tufano’s colleagues?
Some of Anthony Tufano’s colleagues are Erin Smith, Trip Hoover, Kim Jones, Gabriel Blaschko.
Who is Anthony Tufano?

Anthony Tufano is the President of The Arnold Companies (TAC), a leading organization based in Buffalo, United States. He is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and day-to-day operations. Prior to his current role, Tufano served as the President of Mutual Orthopedics, where he gained valuable experience in the industry. He... holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York at Stonybrook, which has equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in his professional endeavors. Tufano's commitment to excellence and his extensive background in the field have made him a respected leader in the industry.Read More

Where is Anthony Tufano based?
Anthony Tufano works for The Arnold Companies (TAC), located at United States
Who is The Arnold Companies (TAC)’s President?
The Arnold Companies (TAC)'s President is Anthony Tufano
See more information about Anthony Tufano

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