Ansuv Sikka

Referral Agent at Wasinger & Co Properties

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About Ansuv Sikka

Ansuv Sikka is a Referral Agent at Wasinger & Co Properties based in Vienna, Virginia.Explore more

Ansuv Sikka Current Workplace

Wasinger & Co Properties

2024-present (2 months)

What started out as a desire to help friends and family negotiate stress-free homeownership quickly turned into more than just an interest for Meghan Wasinger when she became a real estate agent and then broker. Even after twelve years in the business, Wasinger and Co. maintains an individualistic approach to each unique transaction through its dynamic team of talented professionals. Today, the Wasinger and Co team consists of many of Meghans friends, family members, and former clients; all working hard to offer our clients the best experience possible. Stephen Wasinger made our home buying process fun and enjoyable. He was involved in every aspect of the transaction and even helped move boxes into our new home on moving day. I We sold a house and bought a house with Meghan and Helen. Both ladies are incredibly knowledgeable and patient. Selling and Buying a house is very stressful and we were really My husband and I were impressed with the expertise with which Meghan handled the buyinSee more

Org Chart - Wasinger & Co Properties


Referral Agent




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ansuv Sikka

What company does Ansuv Sikka work for?
Ansuv Sikka works for Wasinger & Co Properties as Referral Agent
What is Ansuv Sikka’s role in Wasinger & Co Properties?
Ansuv Sikka’s role in Wasinger & Co Properties is Referral Agent
What is Ansuv Sikka’s direct phone number?
Ansuv Sikka’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ansuv Sikka’s work phone number?
Ansuv Sikka’s headquarters phone number is (703) 828-5660
Which industry does Ansuv Sikka work in?
Ansuv Sikka works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Ansuv Sikka’s peers at other companies?
Ansuv Sikka’s peers at other companies are Dammie Courtney, Angel Morgan, Linda Holmstrom, Patrick Trainor, Vicki Shoemaker.
Who are Ansuv Sikka’s colleagues?
Some of Ansuv Sikka’s colleagues are Dien Nguyen, Maggie Lebahn, Meghan Wasinger, Heather St. Hilaire.
Who is Ansuv Sikka?

Ansuv Sikka is a Referral Agent at Wasinger & Co Properties based in Vienna, Virginia.... Read More

Where is Ansuv Sikka based?
Ansuv Sikka works for Wasinger & Co Properties, located at United States
See more information about Ansuv Sikka

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