Annie Miall

Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset and Organizational Strategy Consulting Team at Lumanity

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(***) ***-****

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Annie Miall Work Experience Summary

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About Annie Miall

Annie Miall is an Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset and Organizational Strategy Consulting Team at Lumanity based in Bethesda, Maryland. Previously, Annie was a Research Fellow at The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard and also held positions at Pfizer, Schepens Eye Research Institute, President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Student Agencies, Broad Institute.Explore more

Annie Miall Current Workplace


2024-present (5 months)

Founded 2003 ad Headquartered in London. Lumanity applies incisive thinking and decisive action to cut through complex situations and deliver transformative outcomes to accelerate and optimize access to medical advances. With deep experience in medical, commercial, and regulatory affairs, Lumanity transforms data and information into real-world insights and evidence that power successful commercialization and empower patients, providers, payers, and regulators to take timely and decisive action. With offices in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia, and work conducted in over 50 countries, Lumanity has 1,200+ experts working with top pharmaceutical and biotech companies to: identify and generate the evidence needed to demonstrate the value of their products and bring them to patients at a price reflective of that value; translate science and data into compelling product narratives that are relevant to stakeholders around the world; and, enable commercial decisions that poSee more

Annie Miall Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Global Regulatory Policy and Intelligence Intern



Undergraduate Student Researcher

Schepens Eye Research Institute


Scientific Communications Intern

The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard


Org Chart - Lumanity


Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset a...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Annie Miall

What company does Annie Miall work for?
Annie Miall works for Lumanity as Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset and Organizational Strategy Consulting Team
What is Annie Miall’s role in Lumanity?
Annie Miall’s role in Lumanity is Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset and Organizational Strategy Consulting Team
What is Annie Miall’s email address?
Annie Miall’s email address is a***@lumanity.com
What is Annie Miall’s business email address?
Annie Miall’s business email address is a***@lumanity.com
What is Annie Miall’s direct phone number?
Annie Miall’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Annie Miall’s latest job experience?
Annie Miall’s latest job experience is Research Fellow at The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard
Which industry does Annie Miall work in?
Annie Miall works in the industry of Healthcare Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Annie Miall’s peers at other companies?
Annie Miall’s peers at other companies are Sage Mauri.
Who are Annie Miall’s colleagues?
Some of Annie Miall’s colleagues are Bryan Dix, Irene Rosen, Stefanie Nathanson, Catherine Bromley.
How can I contact Annie Miall?
Annie Miall contact details: Email address: a***@lumanity.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Annie Miall?

Annie Miall is an Associate Consultant. U. S. Asset and Organizational Strategy Consulting Team at Lumanity based in Bethesda, Maryland. Previously, Annie was a Research Fellow at The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard and also held positions at Pfizer, Schepens Eye Research Institute, President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Student... Agencies, Broad Institute.Read More

Where is Annie Miall based?
Annie Miall works for Lumanity, located at United States
See more information about Annie Miall

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