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4Last Update 11/10/2024 10:42 PM
About Annie Martinsen
Annie’s 25+ years' experience managing companies in the design and construction industry ranges from architecture to interior design to furniture manufacturing and to construction firms. Annie understands the business like few others do. She has great relationships with clients, vendors, and subcontractors alike. When times are tough, her smile is infectious and can solve most problems on its own. As you will quickly discover, Annie is meticulously detail-oriented and loves to see projects from their infancy through completion. Annie is mother to three, an avid soccer fan, loves to read, explore Piedmont Park and The Beltline. In her spare time, Annie is a gifted napper.Read moreAnnie Martinsen Current Workplace
Annie Martinsen Work Experience & Education
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Annie Martinsen
Director, Operations
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Annie Martinsen
Annie’s 25+ years' experience managing companies in the design and construction industry ranges from architecture to interior design to furniture manufacturing and to construction firms. Annie understands the business like few others do. She has great relationships with clients, vendors, and subcontractors alike. When times are tough, her smile is... infectious and can solve most problems on its own. As you will quickly discover, Annie is meticulously detail-oriented and loves to see projects from their infancy through completion. Annie is mother to three, an avid soccer fan, loves to read, explore Piedmont Park and The Beltline. In her spare time, Annie is a gifted napper.Read More