1998-present (27 years)
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Ann Kumasaka Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
17Number of job titles
2Last Update 8/31/2024 1:12 AM
About Ann Kumasaka
Ann Kumasaka has been a member of the Foundation since 2012 and joined the Board of Directors in 2017. She currently serves as Chair of the Board.Ann also has served on the Pooled Fund and International Partner Grant Committees and was a co-leader of the 2016 Diversity Partner Grant Committee. Ann previously served on the Board of Directors of Fabian’s Fund, a nonprofit organization supporting higher education in prisons and is a community organizer with The People’s Institute Northwest and the Village of Hope. Ann has worked as an art director and graphic designer for over 30 years and is the founder and director of A.K.A. Design. She received her BFA from the University of Washington. Ann is committed to the pursuit and realization of social justice through the power of community organizing. Ann is excited to be a part of the WaWF community because she believes in the strength of collective will and action to drive meaningful, positive change in our society.Read moreAnn Kumasaka Current Workplace
Ann Kumasaka Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
17Number of job titles
2Work Experience
Senior Designer
Van Dyke Company1991-1998
University of WashingtonFind Out if Ann is a Potential Buyer with ZoomInfo Copilot
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Recent News About Ann Kumasaka
Our Board - WA Women's Foundation
by Ann Kumasaka and Donna Lou, co-chairs of the 2016 Diversity Partner Grant This fall, Washington Women's Foundation's Diversity Partner Grant Comm...Our Board - WA Women's Foundation
Ann Kumasaka says:Our Board - WA Women's Foundation
Ann Kumasaka (Board President)Our Board - WA Women's Foundation
Continuing on the Board in 2021 are the following directors: Sue Bennett, Jodi Green, Yvonne Hall, Melinda Herrin, Patricia Kiyono, Ann Kumasaka , Bo ...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ann Kumasaka
Ann Kumasaka has been a member of the Foundation since 2012 and joined the Board of Directors in 2017. She currently serves as Chair of the Board. Ann also has served on the Pooled Fund and International Partner Grant Committees and was a co-leader of the 2016 Diversity Partner Grant Committee. Ann previously served on the Board of Directors of Fab... Read More