Ankur DhingraA

Ankur Dhingra

Chief Executive Officer at ProHance

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Ankur Dhingra Work Experience Summary

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About Ankur Dhingra

is the CEO of ProHance which is a FutureIP Labs portfolio company. ProHance is an enterprise SaaS operations management platform that unlocks the value of human capital and digital investments for enterprises. ProHance is leveraged by 170,000+ users in 120+ enterprises across 21 countries. Prior to this Ankur has over 19 years of professional experience in companies like General Electric, Genpact and American Express.Explore more

Ankur Dhingra Current Workplace


2020-present (5 years)

Founded in 2010, ProHance is a Workforce Productivity & Desktop Analytics Software. ProHance offers best-in-market analytics with real-time view combined with customizable smart reporting & dashboards. Enables organisations to become more agile and achieve operating goals. Provide leaders with data and analytics, allowing them to manage their distributed teams effectively and ensuring key operations metrics are met. The company is headquartered in Bengaluru, India.

Ankur Dhingra Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Future IP Labs


Vice President and General Manager - Global Back Office Operations

American Express


Customer Engagement Network Vice President, Operations

American Express


Vice President and Global Operating Leader





IIT Delhi

Org Chart - ProHance

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ankur Dhingra

What company does Ankur Dhingra work for?
Ankur Dhingra works for ProHance as Chief Executive Officer
What is Ankur Dhingra’s role in ProHance?
Ankur Dhingra’s role in ProHance is Chief Executive Officer
What is Ankur Dhingra’s direct phone number?
Ankur Dhingra’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ankur Dhingra’s work phone number?
Ankur Dhingra’s headquarters phone number is +91 8041559036
What is Ankur Dhingra’s latest job experience?
Ankur Dhingra’s latest job experience is Partner at Future IP Labs
Which industry does Ankur Dhingra work in?
Ankur Dhingra works in the industry of Business Intelligence (BI) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Ankur Dhingra’s peers at other companies?
Ankur Dhingra’s peers at other companies are Brian Wheeler, Shadan Malik, Michael Sinoway, Greg Petro, Amir Banet.
Who are Ankur Dhingra’s colleagues?
Some of Ankur Dhingra’s colleagues are Sushil Ghodke, Midhun Nair, Naina Sethi, Shikha Mishra.
Who is Ankur Dhingra?

is the CEO of ProHance which is a FutureIP Labs portfolio company. ProHance is an enterprise SaaS operations management platform that unlocks the value of human capital and digital investments for enterprises. ProHance is leveraged by 170,000+ users in 120+ enterprises across 21 countries. Prior to this Ankur has over 19 years of professional exper... ience in companies like General Electric, Genpact and American Express.Read More

Where is Ankur Dhingra based?
Ankur Dhingra works for ProHance, located at India
Who is ProHance’s Chief Executive Officer?
ProHance's Chief Executive Officer is Ankur Dhingra
See more information about Ankur Dhingra

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