
Anil Prasad

Principal Scientist at Acrivon Therapeutics

Anil Prasad Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(617) ***-****

Anil Prasad Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Anil Prasad Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Anil Prasad

Anil Prasad is a Principal Scientist at Acrivon Therapeutics based in Watertown, Massachusetts. Previously, Anil was an Instructor In Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and also held positions at Yenepoya Research Center, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research.Explore more

Anil Prasad Current Workplace

Acrivon Therapeutics

2022-present (3 years)

Acrivon Therapeutics is a precision oncology therapeutics company uniquely enabled by a differentiated proteomics-based patient selection platform. Our method is widely applicable across drug classes and modalities. We specifically apply our approach to challenging oncology drug targets causally implicated in the vast majority of cancers, particularly those without simple single gene driver mutations or synthetic lethal contexts. Leveraging our unique patient selection platform, Acrivon Therapeutics aims to rapidly progress in-licensed clinical-stage assets and a pipeline of internally developed programs through accelerated registration trials. Acrivon Therapeutics and its clinical biomarker development group is headquartered in the greater Boston area, with biomarker discovery efforts concentrated in our wholly-owned subsidiary in Lund, Sweden.

Anil Prasad Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Instructor In Medicine

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Assistant Professor

Yenepoya Research Center


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Research Fellow

DO Daihung, MD


Post Doctoral Fellow

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Org Chart - Acrivon Therapeutics


Principal Scientist




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Web References
Web References
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    Anil Prasad Division of Experimental Medicine; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Harvard Medical School; Boston, MA USA

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anil Prasad

What company does Anil Prasad work for?
Anil Prasad works for Acrivon Therapeutics as Principal Scientist
What is Anil Prasad’s role in Acrivon Therapeutics?
Anil Prasad’s role in Acrivon Therapeutics is Principal Scientist
What is Anil Prasad’s email address?
Anil Prasad’s email address is a***@acrivon.com
What is Anil Prasad’s business email address?
Anil Prasad’s business email address is a***@acrivon.com
What is Anil Prasad’s direct phone number?
Anil Prasad’s direct phone number is (617) ***-****
What is Anil Prasad’s work phone number?
Anil Prasad’s headquarters phone number is (617) 207-8979
What is Anil Prasad’s latest job experience?
Anil Prasad’s latest job experience is Instructor In Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Which industry does Anil Prasad work in?
Anil Prasad works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Anil Prasad’s peers at other companies?
Anil Prasad’s peers at other companies are Murugappan Sathappa, Nathan Wymer, Viktoria Betin, Lee Chunghee, Cory Dunn.
Who are Anil Prasad’s colleagues?
Some of Anil Prasad’s colleagues are Portia Lombardo, Praveen Marapaka, Rebecca Proctor, Ayesha Murshid.
How can I contact Anil Prasad?
Anil Prasad contact details: Email address: a***@acrivon.com Phone number: (617) ***-****
Who is Anil Prasad?

Anil Prasad is a Principal Scientist at Acrivon Therapeutics based in Watertown, Massachusetts. Previously, Anil was an Instructor In Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and also held positions at Yenepoya Research Center, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research.... Read More

Where is Anil Prasad based?
Anil Prasad works for Acrivon Therapeutics, located at United States
See more information about Anil Prasad

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