Angie Rock

Consultant at Berger HR Solutions

Angie Rock Email & Phone number

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(410) ***-****

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About Angie Rock

As a Consultant with Berger HR Solutions, Angie leverages her wide array of HR and business experience to support our clients in creating a more engaging and supportive work environment. Angie is a seasoned Human Resources professional with a diverse background spanning from small start-up tech firms to large financial institutions. With a passion for leadership development, and workforce planning, Angie has made significant contributions to the growth and success of the companies she has worked with. Prior to joining Berger HR Solutions, Angie worked for a small IT firm in Baltimore, where she created HR practices from the ground up to establish effective systems that aligned with the organizations’ goals. Throughout her career, Angie has partnered with senior leaders to create positive, inclusive work environments, offering strategic insights into effective recruiting and retention strategies and provided management coaching to team members. She has also facilitated training, talentRead more

Angie Rock Current Workplace

Berger HR Solutions

2024-present (5 months)

Berger HR Solutions is the leading provider of outsourced HR services and expert human resources consulting for businesses in need of HR solutions, compliance, performance management, compensation, and workforce planning. They offer tailored employee solutions that elevate businesses by minimizing employment risk and increasing performance. Whether you are a growing start-up or an established business, Berger HR Solutions provides approachable, forward-thinking HR support to help you achieve your goals and grow your business with ease.

Org Chart - Berger HR Solutions






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Angie Rock

What company does Angie Rock work for?
Angie Rock works for Berger HR Solutions as Consultant
What is Angie Rock’s role in Berger HR Solutions?
Angie Rock’s role in Berger HR Solutions is Consultant
What is Angie Rock’s email address?
Angie Rock’s email address is a***@bergerhrsolutions.com
What is Angie Rock’s business email address?
Angie Rock’s business email address is a***@bergerhrsolutions.com
What is Angie Rock’s direct phone number?
Angie Rock’s direct phone number is (410) ***-****
What is Angie Rock’s work phone number?
Angie Rock’s headquarters phone number is (410) 695-9888
Which industry does Angie Rock work in?
Angie Rock works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Angie Rock’s peers at other companies?
Angie Rock’s peers at other companies are Shriya Rihal, Arshin Fatima, Ekaterina Kharitonskaya, Pedro Jocelyn, Hikmah Dinillah.
Who are Angie Rock’s colleagues?
Some of Angie Rock’s colleagues are Jennifer Rausa, Lynette Swanepoel, Amy Walker, Angela Willey.
How can I contact Angie Rock?
Angie Rock contact details: Email address: a***@bergerhrsolutions.com Phone number: (410) ***-****
Who is Angie Rock?

As a Consultant with Berger HR Solutions, Angie leverages her wide array of HR and business experience to support our clients in creating a more engaging and supportive work environment. Angie is a seasoned Human Resources professional with a diverse background spanning from small start-up tech firms to large financial institutions. With a passion... for leadership development, and workforce planning, Angie has made significant contributions to the growth and success of the companies she has worked with. Prior to joining Berger HR Solutions, Angie worked for a small IT firm in Baltimore, where she created HR practices from the ground up to establish effective systems that aligned with the organizations’ goals. Throughout her career, Angie has partnered with senior leaders to create positive, inclusive work environments, offering strategic insights into effective recruiting and retention strategies and provided management coaching to team members. She has also facilitated training, talent assessment sessions and managed the annual performance review and merit cycles for past clients. With a BA in Business administration, Angie offers her expertise in management and talent development, succession planning, communication, performance management, employee engagement and learning and development.Read More

Where is Angie Rock based?
Angie Rock works for Berger HR Solutions, located at United States
See more information about Angie Rock

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