Angelina LeonettiA+

Angelina Leonetti

Chief Marketing Officer at Northwestern Mutual

Angelina Leonetti Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(813) ***-****

Angelina Leonetti Current Workplace



Number of Employees


Angelina Leonetti Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Angelina Leonetti

Angie started her career with Northwestern Mutual in 2015. As the Chief Marketing Officer, she is responsible for utilizing strategic marketing and media strategies to help Menke Financial build strong relationships in the community. She oversees client events, sponsorships, and media opportunities.Explore more

Angelina Leonetti Current Workplace

Northwestern Mutual

2014-present (10 years)

Northwestern Mutual has been helping families and businesses achieve financial security. Through a distinctive, whole-picture planning approach including both insurance and investments, we empower people to be financially confident. We combine the expertise of our financial professionals with a personalized digital experience and leading-edge technology to best serve our clients.

Angelina Leonetti Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Marketing & Customer Relations



Manager, Marketing

Film Technologies Intl


Director, Communications

Illinois Association of Park Districts


Public Information Coordinator

City of Indianapolis & Marion County


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Northwestern Mutual

Profile Picture

Chief Marketing Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Angelina Leonetti

What company does Angelina Leonetti work for?
Angelina Leonetti works for Northwestern Mutual as Chief Marketing Officer
What is Angelina Leonetti’s role in Northwestern Mutual?
Angelina Leonetti’s role in Northwestern Mutual is Chief Marketing Officer
What is Angelina Leonetti’s email address?
Angelina Leonetti’s email address is a***
What is Angelina Leonetti’s business email address?
Angelina Leonetti’s business email address is a***
What is Angelina Leonetti’s direct phone number?
Angelina Leonetti’s direct phone number is (813) ***-****
What is Angelina Leonetti’s work phone number?
Angelina Leonetti’s headquarters phone number is (414) 271-1444
What is Angelina Leonetti’s latest job experience?
Angelina Leonetti’s latest job experience is Manager, Marketing & Customer Relations at Madico
Which industry does Angelina Leonetti work in?
Angelina Leonetti works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Angelina Leonetti’s peers at other companies?
Angelina Leonetti’s peers at other companies are Richard Scott, Jody Geiger, Andrea Hird, Pete Frizzell, Dane Tucker.
Who are Angelina Leonetti’s colleagues?
Some of Angelina Leonetti’s colleagues are David Gordon, Kathryn Kagan, James Blane, Eileen S..
How can I contact Angelina Leonetti?
Angelina Leonetti contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (813) ***-****
Who is Angelina Leonetti?

Angie started her career with Northwestern Mutual in 2015. As the Chief Marketing Officer, she is responsible for utilizing strategic marketing and media strategies to help Menke Financial build strong relationships in the community. She oversees client events, sponsorships, and media opportunities.... Read More

Where is Angelina Leonetti based?
Angelina Leonetti works for Northwestern Mutual, located at United States
Who is Northwestern Mutual’s Chief Marketing Officer?
Northwestern Mutual's Chief Marketing Officer is Angelina Leonetti
See more information about Angelina Leonetti

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