2016-present (8 years)
Angelica Botello
Paralegal at Rooney Law Firm
Angelica Botello Email & Phone number
Angelica Botello Current Workplace
1361 Esplanade, Chico, California, 95926, United States
(530) 345-5678
Number of Employees
Angelica Botello Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
6Average duration at a company (years)
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4About Angelica Botello
Angelica Botello is a Paralegal at Rooney Law Firm based in Chico, California.
Previously, Angelica was a Paralegal at Plastiras & Terrizzi and also held positions at Workers Comp Legal Center, Carl's Jr Restaurants, California State University - Chico.
Angelica Botello Current Workplace
Rooney Law Firm
At the Rooney Law Firm, we help people with spinal cord injuries to recover compensation from those responsible for their suffering. As our client, you can expect prompt and personal service from the moment we begin to work on your case until it is fully resolved. You can also expect a fast response whenever you call or contact us with a question or concern. For more than 30 years of combined experience, a free consultation and the strong legal representation you'll need to recover monetary compensation for your back or neck injury - dial (800) TKO-4LAW or contact our Chico, California, law offices online. These numbers tell some of our story.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Angelica Botello
Angelica Botello is a Paralegal at Rooney Law Firm based in Chico, California. Previously, Angelica was a Paralegal at Plastiras & Terrizzi and also held positions at Workers Comp Legal Center, Carl's Jr Restaurants, California State University - Chico....