
Angela Mclennan

Admissions Advisor at University of Phoenix

Angela Mclennan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Angela Mclennan Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Angela Mclennan Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Angela Mclennan

Angela Mclennan is an Admissions Advisor at University of Phoenix based in Phoenix, Arizona. Previously, Angela was a Special Services at Home Depot.Explore more

Angela Mclennan Current Workplace

University of Phoenix

2008-present (16 years)

John Sperling, PhD, a Cambridge-educated economist, professor and entrepreneur, founded University of Phoenix in 1976 in response to the changing needs of the workplace. It was part of his commitment to provide adults with the higher education they would need to fill those needs and for forty years, thats exactly what weve done. The times have changed, but our objective has remained the same to help people enhance their lives through education. Together we will keep working to fulfill Dr. Sperlings vision, improve the lives of our students and strengthen our communities. We are proud to provide students access to quality education, ongoing support and a range of resources to help them succeed. Through innovation and dedication we can continue to work toward a better tomorrow. We invite you to learn about our University and see how we can help you pursue your education and follow your dreams.

Angela Mclennan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Child Care Center

Fitness Works


Special Services

Home Depot


Org Chart - University of Phoenix


Admissions Advisor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Angela Mclennan

What company does Angela Mclennan work for?
Angela Mclennan works for University of Phoenix as Admissions Advisor
What is Angela Mclennan’s role in University of Phoenix?
Angela Mclennan’s role in University of Phoenix is Admissions Advisor
What is Angela Mclennan’s email address?
Angela Mclennan’s email address is a***@email.phoenix.edu
What is Angela Mclennan’s business email address?
Angela Mclennan’s business email address is a***@email.phoenix.edu
What is Angela Mclennan’s direct phone number?
Angela Mclennan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Angela Mclennan’s work phone number?
Angela Mclennan’s headquarters phone number is (602) 557-5566
What is Angela Mclennan’s latest job experience?
Angela Mclennan’s latest job experience is Child Care Center at Fitness Works
Which industry does Angela Mclennan work in?
Angela Mclennan works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Angela Mclennan’s peers at other companies?
Angela Mclennan’s peers at other companies are Lesley Larter, Shannon Patterson, Shannon Banks, Tapasya Chaudhary, Ruth De.
Who are Angela Mclennan’s colleagues?
Some of Angela Mclennan’s colleagues are Crystal Fox, Senthil Tharmaraj, Ethel Vesper, Jelisa Cooper.
How can I contact Angela Mclennan?
Angela Mclennan contact details: Email address: a***@email.phoenix.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Angela Mclennan?

Angela Mclennan is an Admissions Advisor at University of Phoenix based in Phoenix, Arizona. Previously, Angela was a Special Services at Home Depot.... Read More

Where is Angela Mclennan based?
Angela Mclennan works for University of Phoenix, located at United States
See more information about Angela Mclennan

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