Andy DowlingA

Andy Dowling

Chief Executive Officer at Digitary

Andy Dowling Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Andy Dowling Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Andy Dowling Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Andy Dowling

Andy Dowling is the Chief Executive Officer at Digitary based in Melbourne, Victoria. Previously, Andy was the Board Member at Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council. Andy received a B. Sc. degree from National University of Ireland and a M. Sc. degree from National University of Ireland.Explore more

Andy Dowling Current Workplace


1999-present (26 years)

Digitary was launched in Dublin, Ireland in 2005, and has grown to become the leading online platform for certifying, sharing, and verifying academic credentials. Learner-centric since the very start, Digitary enables millions of learners to access their verified achievements and to share them with others securely, quickly, and easily. With offices in Ireland, UK, Italy, Australia, India, and Canada, Digitary is now used by organisations in over 135 countries, providing reliable digital solutions to a global audience.

Andy Dowling Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



B. Sc. - Computer Science

National University of Ireland

M. Sc. degree - Computer Science

National University of Ireland

European Diploma Supplement

University of Limerick
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Digitary

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Andy Dowling

What company does Andy Dowling work for?
Andy Dowling works for Digitary as Chief Executive Officer
What is Andy Dowling’s role in Digitary?
Andy Dowling’s role in Digitary is Chief Executive Officer
What is Andy Dowling’s email address?
Andy Dowling’s email address is a***
What is Andy Dowling’s business email address?
Andy Dowling’s business email address is a***
What is Andy Dowling’s direct phone number?
Andy Dowling’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Andy Dowling’s work phone number?
Andy Dowling’s headquarters phone number is +353 17007071
What is Andy Dowling’s latest education?
Andy Dowling’s latest education in B. Sc. - Computer Science at National University of Ireland
Which industry does Andy Dowling work in?
Andy Dowling works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Andy Dowling’s peers at other companies?
Andy Dowling’s peers at other companies are Tim Arkell, Ajay Nirmal, Cindy Watson, Uri Bernstein, Michael Cardinal.
Who are Andy Dowling’s colleagues?
Some of Andy Dowling’s colleagues are Shippy Agarwal, Takis Diakoumis, Praveen Devarapalli, Alex Krupko.
How can I contact Andy Dowling?
Andy Dowling contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Andy Dowling?

Andy Dowling is the Chief Executive Officer at Digitary based in Melbourne, Victoria. Previously, Andy was the Board Member at Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council. Andy received a B. Sc. degree from National University of Ireland and a M. Sc. degree from National University of Ireland.... Read More

Where is Andy Dowling based?
Andy Dowling works for Digitary, located at Ireland
Who is Digitary’s Chief Executive Officer?
Digitary's Chief Executive Officer is Andy Dowling
See more information about Andy Dowling

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