Andrey Kumanov

Специалист at CSBI Group

Andrey Kumanov Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Andrey Kumanov Current Workplace


CSBI Group


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Andrey Kumanov Work Experience Summary

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About Andrey Kumanov

Andrey Kumanov is a Специалист at CSBI Group based in North York, Ontario.Explore more

Andrey Kumanov Current Workplace

CSBI Group

2012-present (12 years)

See full list of services... By focusing on exceptional service, we at CSBI strive to build excellent long-term relationships through open communication, cooperative decision-making and a mutual transfer of expertise. CSBI pays meticulous attention to cost control on all projects, regardless of size. Our ultimate objective is to meet our clients specifications in the most efficient way possible. CSBI is an all-Canadian company. We have built our reputation on traditional values, coupled with years of experience. We provide expert and cost-effective solutions for all your construction requirements. At CSBI, our personal experience and knowledge in the specialized concrete restoration industry will provide you with high quality workmanship at competitive prices. From routine maintenance repairs to complete structural component replacements, CSBI does it all... and we guarantee our work! Call us for a free estimate: (416) 744 - 7033 © 2015 CSBI Group Ltd.

Andrey Kumanov Work Experience & Education

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Andrey Kumanov

What company does Andrey Kumanov work for?
Andrey Kumanov works for CSBI Group as Специалист
What is Andrey Kumanov’s role in CSBI Group?
Andrey Kumanov’s role in CSBI Group is Специалист
What is Andrey Kumanov’s direct phone number?
Andrey Kumanov’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Andrey Kumanov’s work phone number?
Andrey Kumanov’s headquarters phone number is (416) 744-7033
What is Andrey Kumanov’s latest job experience?
Andrey Kumanov’s latest job experience is Бизнес-аналитик at Банк УРАЛСИБ
Which industry does Andrey Kumanov work in?
Andrey Kumanov works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Andrey Kumanov’s peers at other companies?
Andrey Kumanov’s peers at other companies are Kahramon Ilyasov, Yulia Golovko.
Who are Andrey Kumanov’s colleagues?
Some of Andrey Kumanov’s colleagues are Mikhail Depeshko, Sergey Orlov, Natalia Boek, Margarita Shanko.
Who is Andrey Kumanov?

Andrey Kumanov is a Специалист at CSBI Group based in North York, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Andrey Kumanov based?
Andrey Kumanov works for CSBI Group, located at Canada
See more information about Andrey Kumanov

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