The Washington County School District is located in beautiful rural Northwest Florida. Approximately 3,400 K-12 students are enrolled in two elementary, two middle, and two high schools. The district also serves approximately 600 post-secondary students in one technical center. The schools are located in two towns, Chipley and Vernon. Chipley is located in the northern section and Vernon is located in the center of the county. Both towns are flanked by several small communities including Caryville, Ebro, Five Points, Greenhead, Hinson's Crossroads, New Hope, Sunny Hills and Wausau. The Washington County School Board is one of the largest employers in the county. The Mission of the Washington County School board is to empower all students to become well educated, productive citizens by providing appropriate, high quality, and rigorous educational programs in a safe learning environment. The Superintendent's office is located at the Washington County School Board office which is locatedSee more
Andrea Alejos Email & Phone number
Andrea Alejos Current Workplace
652 3rd St, Chipley, Florida, 32428, United States
Phone Number
(850) 638-6222
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<1About Andrea Alejos
Andrea Alejos is a Student Relations Office Secretary at Washington County School District based in Chipley, Florida.
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Andrea Alejos is a Student Relations Office Secretary at Washington County School District based in Chipley, Florida....