Anand Srivastava

Manager at MetLife

Anand Srivastava Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Anand Srivastava Current Workplace




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Anand Srivastava Work Experience Summary

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About Anand Srivastava

Anand Srivastava is a Manager at MetLife, responsible for overseeing various aspects of the company's operations. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Manager, Unit at MetLife, where he gained valuable experience in the industry. Srivastava holds a Master of Computer Applications degree from Motivational Pathway, which has equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in his career.Explore more

Anand Srivastava Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

MetLife, Inc., a financial services company, provides insurance, annuities, employee benefits, and asset management services worldwide. It operates through six segments: Retirement and Income Solutions; Group Benefits; Asia; Latin America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa; and MetLife Holdings. The company offers life, dental, group short-and long-term disability, individual disability, pet insurance, accidental death and dismemberment, vision, and accident and health coverages, as well as prepaid legal plans; administrative services-only arrangements to employers; and general and separate account, and synthetic guaranteed interest contracts, as well as private floating rate funding agreements. It also provides pension risk transfers, institutional income annuities, structured settlements, and capital markets investment products; and other products and services, such as life insurance products and funding agreements for funding postretirement benefits, as well as company, bank, or trSee more

Anand Srivastava Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Unit








Master of Computer Applications - Computer

Motivational Pathway

Org Chart - MetLife






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Anand Srivastava

What company does Anand Srivastava work for?
Anand Srivastava works for MetLife as Manager
What is Anand Srivastava’s role in MetLife?
Anand Srivastava’s role in MetLife is Manager
What is Anand Srivastava’s email address?
Anand Srivastava’s email address is a***@metlife.com
What is Anand Srivastava’s business email address?
Anand Srivastava’s business email address is a***@metlife.com
What is Anand Srivastava’s direct phone number?
Anand Srivastava’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Anand Srivastava’s work phone number?
Anand Srivastava’s headquarters phone number is (212) 578-9500
What is Anand Srivastava’s latest job experience?
Anand Srivastava’s latest job experience is Manager, Unit at MetLife
What is Anand Srivastava’s latest education?
Anand Srivastava’s latest education in Master of Computer Applications - Computer at Motivational Pathway
Which industry does Anand Srivastava work in?
Anand Srivastava works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Anand Srivastava’s peers at other companies?
Anand Srivastava’s peers at other companies are Joanna Coleman, Leonard Doyle, Patricia Lester, Larry Sander, Kathy Marshall.
Who are Anand Srivastava’s colleagues?
Some of Anand Srivastava’s colleagues are Tina Lam, Deborah King, Edwin Montalvo, Lawrence Eleoff.
How can I contact Anand Srivastava?
Anand Srivastava contact details: Email address: a***@metlife.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Anand Srivastava?

Anand Srivastava is a Manager at MetLife, responsible for overseeing various aspects of the company's operations. Prior to his current role, he held the position of Manager, Unit at MetLife, where he gained valuable experience in the industry. Srivastava holds a Master of Computer Applications degree from Motivational Pathway, which has equipped hi... m with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in his career.Read More

Where is Anand Srivastava based?
Anand Srivastava works for MetLife, located at United States
See more information about Anand Srivastava

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