
Ana Giraldo

Administrative Assistant at NABR

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(***) ***-****

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About Ana Giraldo

Ana Giraldo is an Administrative Assistant at NABR based in Redding, Connecticut.Explore more

Ana Giraldo Current Workplace


2024-present (4 months)

NABR is a non-profit organization founded in 1979 that advocates for the ethical use of animals in biomedical research, education, and testing. The association acts as a unified voice for over 340 members, which include universities, pharmaceutical companies, and veterinary schools, ensuring sound public policies regarding responsible animal research. NABR supports the humane treatment of laboratory animals while facilitating dialogue between its members and legislative bodies on relevant issues. Dedicated to protecting the future of biomedical research, NABR has been instrumental in maintaining the ability to utilize animals for vital scientific studies.

Org Chart - NABR


Administrative Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ana Giraldo

What company does Ana Giraldo work for?
Ana Giraldo works for NABR as Administrative Assistant
What is Ana Giraldo’s role in NABR?
Ana Giraldo’s role in NABR is Administrative Assistant
What is Ana Giraldo’s email address?
Ana Giraldo’s email address is a***@nabr.org
What is Ana Giraldo’s business email address?
Ana Giraldo’s business email address is a***@nabr.org
What is Ana Giraldo’s direct phone number?
Ana Giraldo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ana Giraldo’s work phone number?
Ana Giraldo’s headquarters phone number is (202) 857-0540
Which industry does Ana Giraldo work in?
Ana Giraldo works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Ana Giraldo’s peers at other companies?
Ana Giraldo’s peers at other companies are Scott Wein, Marlene Dubiel, Victoria Tirado-Roman, Marie Mitchell, Stacey Gallup.
Who are Ana Giraldo’s colleagues?
Some of Ana Giraldo’s colleagues are Meredith Lawson, Michael Dingell, Nahla Al Bassam, Andrew Domont.
How can I contact Ana Giraldo?
Ana Giraldo contact details: Email address: a***@nabr.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ana Giraldo?

Ana Giraldo is an Administrative Assistant at NABR based in Redding, Connecticut.... Read More

Where is Ana Giraldo based?
Ana Giraldo works for NABR, located at United States
See more information about Ana Giraldo

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