
Amy Wallace

Vice President at WASC Senior College and University Commission

Amy Wallace Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Amy Wallace Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Amy Wallace Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Amy Wallace

Amy Wallace is a Vice President at WASC Senior College and University Commission based in Alameda, California. Previously, Amy was a Dean of the Library and Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement at California State University Channel Islands and also held positions at University of California, The Oberlin Group, Chapman University, California State University, Sacramento. Amy received a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Diego State University and a Master of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University.

Amy Wallace Current Workplace

WASC Senior College & University Commission operates as a a non-profit organization. The Organization evaluates and accredits schools, colleges, and universities, as well as provides educational programs. WASC Senior College & University Commission serves its members in the State of California.

Amy Wallace Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Vice President for Academic Excellence

California State University, Sacramento


Dean of the Library and Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement

California State University Channel Islands


Interim Dean of the Library

California State University Channel Islands


Public Services & Outreach Head

California State University Channel Islands




Bachelor of Arts

San Diego State University

Master of Library and Information Science

San Jose State University

Master of Arts

San Diego State University

Org Chart - WASC Senior College and University Commission

Amy Wallace

Vice President

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amy Wallace

What company does Amy Wallace work for?
Amy Wallace works for WASC Senior College and University Commission as Vice President
What is Amy Wallace’s role in WASC Senior College and University Commission?
Amy Wallace’s role in WASC Senior College and University Commission is Vice President
What is Amy Wallace’s email address?
Amy Wallace’s email address is a***@wscuc.org
What is Amy Wallace’s business email address?
Amy Wallace’s business email address is a***@wscuc.org
What is Amy Wallace’s direct phone number?
Amy Wallace’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amy Wallace’s work phone number?
Amy Wallace’s headquarters phone number is (510) 748-9001
What is Amy Wallace’s latest job experience?
Amy Wallace’s latest job experience is Associate Vice President for Academic Excellence at California State University, Sacramento
What is Amy Wallace’s latest education?
Amy Wallace’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at San Diego State University
Which industry does Amy Wallace work in?
Amy Wallace works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Amy Wallace’s peers at other companies?
Amy Wallace’s peers at other companies are Joan Parker, Stephen Lamb, Victor Hugo, Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde, Grace Hao.
Who are Amy Wallace’s colleagues?
Some of Amy Wallace’s colleagues are Henri Okinishi, Konami Chisholm, Julie Kotovsky, Muna Chiesa.
How can I contact Amy Wallace?
Amy Wallace contact details: Email address: a***@wscuc.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amy Wallace?

Amy Wallace is a Vice President at WASC Senior College and University Commission based in Alameda, California. Previously, Amy was a Dean of the Library and Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement at California State University Channel Islands and also held positions at University of California, The Oberlin Group, Chapman University, C... alifornia State University, Sacramento. Amy received a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Diego State University and a Master of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University.

Where is Amy Wallace based?
Amy Wallace works for WASC Senior College and University Commission, located at United States