Amy Neumuth

Recruitment Coordinator at Lion Heart Recruit

Amy Neumuth Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Amy Neumuth Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Amy Neumuth Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/18/2024 7:08 AM

About Amy Neumuth

Amy Neumuth is a Recruitment Coordinator at Lion Heart Recruit based in Oakland, California. Previously, Amy was a Crew Member at Trader Joe's.

Amy Neumuth Current Workplace

Lion Heart Recruit

2023-present (2 years)

Lion Heart Recruit offers direct hire services to nonprofit organizations. We are a woman and minority-owned direct-hire staffing agency. We envision a world where every nonprofit organization has access to exceptional talent and resources, enabling them to drive positive change and transform communities. We strive to be the premier partner in connecting passionate individuals with nonprofits, fostering powerful collaborations that unleash the full potential of organizations dedicated to making a difference.

Amy Neumuth Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Crew Member

Trader Joe's


Org Chart - Lion Heart Recruit

Amy Neumuth

Recruitment Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amy Neumuth

What company does Amy Neumuth work for?
Amy Neumuth works for Lion Heart Recruit as Recruitment Coordinator
What is Amy Neumuth’s role in Lion Heart Recruit?
Amy Neumuth’s role in Lion Heart Recruit is Recruitment Coordinator
What is Amy Neumuth’s email address?
Amy Neumuth’s email address is a***
What is Amy Neumuth’s business email address?
Amy Neumuth’s business email address is a***
What is Amy Neumuth’s direct phone number?
Amy Neumuth’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amy Neumuth’s latest job experience?
Amy Neumuth’s latest job experience is Crew Member at Trader Joe's
Which industry does Amy Neumuth work in?
Amy Neumuth works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Amy Neumuth’s peers at other companies?
Amy Neumuth’s peers at other companies are Anastasia Yacoby, Reena Sood, Shariq Reshamwala, Natasha Pierre, Aishwarya Thapa.
Who are Amy Neumuth’s colleagues?
Some of Amy Neumuth’s colleagues are Jacqueline da Costa.
How can I contact Amy Neumuth?
Amy Neumuth contact details: Email address: a*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Amy Neumuth?

Amy Neumuth is a Recruitment Coordinator at Lion Heart Recruit based in Oakland, California. Previously, Amy was a Crew Member at Trader Joe's....

Where is Amy Neumuth based?
Amy Neumuth works for Lion Heart Recruit, located at United States