2022-present (3 years)
Amy Cheung Email & Phone number
Amy Cheung Current Workplace
4005 Bohannon Dr, Menlo Park, California, 94025, United States
Phone Number
(510) 326-7602
Number of Employees
Amy Cheung Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
2About Amy Cheung
Amy Cheung is a Senior Executive Assistant at LeoLabs based in Menlo Park, California.
Previously, Amy was an Executive Assistant at OneValley.
Amy Cheung Current Workplace
LeoLabs is the leader in space safety, security, and sustainability. LeoLabs is transforming the way satellite operators, commercial enterprises and federal agencies across the world launch and track missions in low Earth orbit. Through its vertically integrated technology system, Vertex, LeoLabs delivers the information needed to succeed in today's space race. With unmatched LEO coverage, real-time tracking and powerful insights, companies and governments rely on LeoLabs to safely innovate and execute a wide array of operations in space.
Amy Cheung Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amy Cheung
Amy Cheung is a Senior Executive Assistant at LeoLabs based in Menlo Park, California. Previously, Amy was an Executive Assistant at OneValley....