Amrit Maan

Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabi Pollywood

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(***) ***-****

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Amrit Maan Work Experience Summary

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About Amrit Maan

Amrit Maan is a Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabi Pollywood based in Millerganj, Punjab. Previously, Amrit was a Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabiyouth.com. Amrit received a master's degree degree from Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering and Technology.Explore more

Amrit Maan Current Workplace

Punjabi Pollywood

2021-present (4 years)

Punjabi Pollywood is an all-inclusive entertainment website catering colossal span of Pollywood buffs. Spearheaded by the young lad Harwinder Singh (an IT graduate), the site provides the power dose of showbiz to the Pollywood aficionados. Commenced as a small start-up, a social-media page in 2011, the thought to turn it into a comprehensive website unleashed in 2012. Since then, it is the most promising digital destination for the Punjabi industry, comprising entertainment, music culture, celebrity talk, movies, fashion, gossips, and news. At Punjabi Pollywood, a host of writers, reporters, and editors strive to display an impactful spread of news stories on a regular basis. From established celebrities to newbies artists and from exciting scoops to amusing stories, the website is ardently committed to delivering a comprehensive overview of the information that captivates the attention of a millennial crowd. The idea behind developing the website is to present the Pollywood followersSee more

Amrit Maan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Singer and A Lyricist





master's degree

Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering and Technology

Org Chart - Punjabi Pollywood


Singer and A Lyricist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Amrit Maan

What company does Amrit Maan work for?
Amrit Maan works for Punjabi Pollywood as Singer and A Lyricist
What is Amrit Maan’s role in Punjabi Pollywood?
Amrit Maan’s role in Punjabi Pollywood is Singer and A Lyricist
What is Amrit Maan’s direct phone number?
Amrit Maan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Amrit Maan’s latest job experience?
Amrit Maan’s latest job experience is Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabiyouth.com
What is Amrit Maan’s latest education?
Amrit Maan’s latest education in master's degree at Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering and Technology
Which industry does Amrit Maan work in?
Amrit Maan works in the industry of Movie Theaters, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Amrit Maan’s colleagues?
Some of Amrit Maan’s colleagues are Rana Singh, Sara Gurpal, Harwinder Singh.
Who is Amrit Maan?

Amrit Maan is a Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabi Pollywood based in Millerganj, Punjab. Previously, Amrit was a Singer and A Lyricist at Punjabiyouth.com. Amrit received a master's degree degree from Swami Vivekanand Institute of Engineering and Technology.... Read More

Where is Amrit Maan based?
Amrit Maan works for Punjabi Pollywood, located at India
See more information about Amrit Maan

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